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Seat levers

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So has anyone else tw@ed themselves around the head by leaning into their corrado to put the drivers seat forward and pulled the wrong lever? REALLY not nearly as funny as when girlfriend put her head into windscreen trying to move seat forward and doing the same.

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Every, single time its me doing the pub/club run and someone needs to get in the back of the car they do this, they grab the 'gangsta handle' that tips the seat all the way back and then lift that as the seat then moves up so quickly you'd think it was a fucking ejecter seat! Its always funny for them to see their face do this - :shock:

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i don't know what lever this is you's are talking about :scratch:


On my VR6 the drivers and passenger seat has a lever which allows you to move it back and forward as normal but another more obvious lever allows the seat to be pushed up and down to adjust the height but because it is designed to push up when someone is seated on it, it flys up when empty

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