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Full lock screeching

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On full lock, im getting a loud metallic screeching...Its not like a belt noise but sounds like a pully or something?


You know when you get it on propper full lock, that weird last bit of lock that corrado's seem to have....well thats when it does it.



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Nah, they are cool mate apart from all the road works dirt :censored: :lol: ...it happens when the car is still :gag:

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check your power steering belt and the pulleys on the pump, may just need adjusting...


had this problem on one of mine for ages and it just needed adjusting..

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Yup. It's the relief valve in the pump blowing off. They don't like being wound right round to the very extremes of the steering lock.

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Its not the normal 'whining' whir, whir, whir noise lads, definately sommet else...Its like eek eek eek but loud and screachy, like metal on metal.


If you can understand the above impressions of the noise, well done :lol:


Ill check the tension of the belt for starters, cheers.



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is that a G60 pump "bonus feature" then?


My Golfs and Jetta and Corrado have never made that noise on full lock. The jetta once got jittery but that was due to a slipping belt.

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Hi Riley


Just to let you know your not on your own. mine does the exact same plus more. ive been advised my power sttering pump is on its way out with the pulleys too. and it was the same with a friends C, he got a new pump and pulley and it has gone away.


Could be the same with yours.

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Cheers mate, sounds like it eh.


Mmmm, more expense! Im gonna check the belt later anyway, but i can see it getting replaced along with the pump and fluid, possibly the lines, possibly the fluid tank, possibly try and just replace the pump without needlessly replacing the other bits :lol:

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