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Making an early badgless grill

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Hi guys


I have recently aquired a new badged early 16v grill(thanks to beeza) and was going to attempt to make a badgeless grill out of the two by cutting a square section out of one grill and then replacing the section with the badge on the other. What would be the best way to go about this? I was thinking of simply cutting and gluing it but I wouldnt want any visible lines where the join is. I have been looking into plastic welding too and am undecided on what would be the best approach.


Any info would be much appreciated.







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hello you can use some kind of iron soldering tool to join each bar. Then give it some sanding, and then (if required) apply some polyester putty (this is important, because this putty is flexible :D ) and sanding sanding sanding... starting from p40, then p150, p400 and finishing by p1000.



Then, all you have to do is to go painting :)

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Hmmm... I've made one and to be honest I need to make another one as Its not very straight!

However it has been on the car for almost half a year now and hasn't shown any sign of damage.

I used 2x loctite epoxy glue to stick it together and smeared loads over the joins. Let it dry for a day or so then sanded it all back with a dremel. Sanded and primed it with plastic primer then sprayed it matt black.

It looks ok but the joins are slightly visible and looking down on it, its not quite straight.


Good luck if you go for it I'll be interested in how you do yours when I go to make my new one.

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Cheers for the replies guys, I have a soldering iron so might give it ago that way and see how it turns out. I'll post some pics up when I start to show how things are getting on.




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Cheers for the replies guys, I have a soldering iron so might give it ago that way and see how it turns out. I'll post some pics up when I start to show how things are getting on.






yes, this is very very, very easy to do. just take some extra care in how much you heaten the plastic, so it doesnt get literally "burnt" (carbonised?) :nuts:

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