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Serp belt chirping

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After suffering from the old G60 crank pulley problem i changed the pulley and all seemed fine. My C then developed what can only be described as a chirping type squeak coming from the charger belt when idleing or driving. As far as I could tell it sounded like it was coming from the bottom pulley that bolts onto the outside of the crank pulley. A drop of WD on the belt confirmed the noise was coming from there as it stopped then resumed after about 5 minutes. I replaced the belt thinking mine was getting tired and it seemed to solve it.


A week later and its started again. Only when its cold though. As soon as the cars done 5 miles or so it stops but I think is slowly getting worse and soon I will be back to it sounding like theres a rusty hamster wheel under the bonnet. Also now when you give it some toe I get a wierd noise coming from the belt side (as far as I can tell driving with my head out of the window) that I can only describe as a sort of vibration that sounds like grit being flicked round the wheelarch. Its only when you first accelerate hard and stops as you reach about 4500rpm.


On closer inspection today i noticed that the serp belt isn't centralised on one of the plasic guide wheels. Its the one below the tensioner shocker (follow the belt clockwise from the crank pulley and its the first one) it sits about 3mm in from the engine side of the guide. As nothing else has been changed apart from the belt and the crank pulley could the new crank pulley be to wide which obviously spaces the charger belt pulley out as its bolted to it.


Cheers for any advise offered


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Hi Dave,


I had exactly the same noise on my nugget when I got it.


Ended up replacing all the idler pulleys for the serpentine belt along with the damper and it works a treat now.


I would recommend doing all of them at once to ensure even wear of the various components, make sure you change the seal that sits between the idler pulley swing arm and the charger bracket too as these are usually shot, don't forget to stick some lube in there as well.

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Right o.... Suppose i'll have to get my wallet out for the old girl.........AGAIN!!!


Just checking out the recent repair jobs on the nugget. Sounds like my life mate no sooner as you fix one job, two more apear. Did you get the new pulley wheels and that from the dealer? And whats the gearbox weight all about?


Nice 1 Yan


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Right o.... Suppose i'll have to get my wallet out for the old girl.........AGAIN!!!


Just checking out the recent repair jobs on the nugget. Sounds like my life mate no sooner as you fix one job, two more apear. Did you get the new pulley wheels and that from the dealer? And whats the gearbox weight all about?


Nice 1 Yan



Yeah got all the parts from the dealer, I don't think you can get the damper from anywhere else and as with cambelt parts I don't think it's worth fitting pattern bits. If you plan to hang onto the car for a while then it's well worth doing, rollers are around £25 each but the damper is £85. Worth giving GPC a call as they will do around 10% off those and as they are small light parts you wont pay a fortune in postage costs.


The gearbox weight was added to all the later Corrado models to improve gear change feel, it makes a huge difference as I have driven both of my current cars without that modification and the change is not very precise and you have to 'feed' the change in slowly. After fitting the weight you can flick the gear lever through the gears with ease, can't recommend it enough.

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Hey Yan,


I know this is an old topic but I think I may have found the problem. I noticed after putting the charger pulley back on that it lines up perfectly with the water pump pully but the pulley on the crank sits about 5mm further out. Confirmed this with a straight edge. The serp bely pulley/pas pulley are original but the crank pulley was changed at a garage before it went off the road a few years ago. Do you rekon its possible they have put the wrong crank pulley on and mine is 5mm too thick?



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Dave - there is a vibration damper which is a very tight fit against that pulley and may not be seated correctly or maybe even the wrong way round!?!


Check the big crank bolt is not coming loose too :shock:

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Dave - there is a vibration damper which is a very tight fit against that pulley and may not be seated correctly or maybe even the wrong way round!?!


Check the big crank bolt is not coming loose too :shock:


Mine (1991 G60) has crank pulley, then serp belt pulley, then vib dampener, then PAS pulley. So it only goes together one way


Mines the lower setup in the pic below which has totally confused me now cos the parts manual shows this as the Kr,9A setup not the PG. Ive had the car since 2002 and its been like this since I bought it.



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Oh no, that is right how you have it...


IIRC there is a notch on the serp pully to locate it but if this wasn't in the right place I would have thought it would wobble like mad...


Does the Pas pulley line up ok?

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Yeah all the other pulleys line up perfectly. Locating pimple on the serp pulley is correct. Just finishing putting it all back together after havint the block out to sort a cracked piston. Only noticed it when i was putting the charger back on today. Usually you can't see directly from the front but with the front end not being on you can eye up the pulleys. Cant understand it mate.

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I think I have no choice other than to put the belts back on and see how it goes. The only other thing i can think of doing is have a few mm machined off the crank pulley but then the PAS pulley wont line up and i'll have to space it out. Getting pretty sick of it all now. Think I'm gonna chop it in for an air balloon

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It might not be the correct serpentine belt pulley, all the VW ones are very similar.


If you can find a part number on it it should start '037'. If its not a G60 specific item it will move the serpentine belt pickup over, the PAS pump and vibration damper will still sit in the same place regardless of the serp belt pulley as the serp belt pulleys all use the same thickness material and the vib damper and PAS pulley sit on the inside of serp belt pulley.

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It might not be the correct serpentine belt pulley, all the VW ones are very similar.


If you can find a part number on it it should start '037'. If its not a G60 specific item it will move the serpentine belt pickup over, the PAS pump and vibration damper will still sit in the same place regardless of the serp belt pulley as the serp belt pulleys all use the same thickness material and the vib damper and PAS pulley sit on the inside of serp belt pulley.


Part number is 037 105 255. On the exploded drawing above though this is the same part no as the top setup. As mentioned before mine is the lower one with the vib dampener on the outside of the serp pulley. Part number for that is 027 105 243 but is listed for KR,9A. Surely if a prevoius owner had changed it all for some reason the pulleys would be way out. :confused4: :confused4:

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Weird... even if the crank had been re-faced then the pas pulley would not line up either...


Yeah exactly. Glad its not just me thats confused. The other thing I cant understand is if the pulleys have always been out of line why has it only just started making the chirping sound after 8 years.

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Well that is wierd!


Are you sure its not wear on the crank oil seal?


It is also possible that the cambelt pulley is starting to work its way off the crankshaft, there is some lateral adjustment on the PAS brackets so you may not notice when refitting very easily. That's about the only thing that makes any sense right now.


The chirping is definitely belt alignment, no doubt about that.

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I've taken it apart again and nothing looks worn. Its a new crank pulley and new bolt. Nice and tight with a 6mm roll pin added for good measure to prevent the dreaded crank pulley problem.


Heres a pic showing the offset of the serp pulley. Its 20mm if you can't read it. If I can get one with a 15mm offset it should line up perfectly.Maybe off another vw



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Dave - I'd maybe just order a new pulley from VW just in case that one is stamped wrong... unlikely but at least it would rule things out...


I know years ago people used to change these for a Passat G60 part as it was slightly bigger I think in diameter.

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It could be incorrect from VW although I have just checked a spare pulley from my parts emporium and that is 19mm offset.


So, something must be up with your crankshaft position/pulley as that is all that can move it over..

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Think I may have solved it. Flicking through the bentley I noticed you can adjust the offset of the water pump pulley although not as easy as they make it sound :) . Seems much better now. Straight edge shows a couple of mm diference from the bottom pully to the charger which I rekon I can live with with the pulley being further apart.


Cheers for all your help .. again :D

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Ah right, there is a specific tool for aligning the water pump pulley with the crankshaft serpentine belt pulley but you can do it by eye. You should find the water pump pulley will slide around with ease for adjustment but it's usually rusted up so wont move without a bit of effort first, give it a good clean up prior to trying to adjust it.


I misread your original post, I thought you had alignment issue from the bottom crank to the charger.. :epicfail:

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You should find the water pump pulley will slide around with ease for adjustment but it's usually rusted up so wont move without a bit of effort first, give it a good clean up prior to trying to adjust it.


Yeah had to take the pulley off completely to free it up :mad2:

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