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whats it worth if it's a cat c...?

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how much does it devalue your car if its a cat c write off. thinking of selling mine again but don't know where to pitch it. the repair was done by the garage who's looked after all my cars to a very high standard. everything lines up perfectly & the car drives straight & true. it was only a light damage front end so just got a replacement bonnet, bumper, slam panel & headlight & it was fixed.

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i've got it insured ok i'm just thinking of selling it because it never gets used. i actually had it sold for 3.5k last february but had a crash on the day i was taking it to its new owner! i was just wondering what it would be worth now, does the value go down by a percentage if it's cat c?

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I'd say yes but only a little bit and if its been repaired properly can't see why it would drop the value by too much, its more down to wether the perspective owner is worried about it i'd say, if i came across a cat c corrado that had been repaired properly it wouldn't put me off. The best thing is to put it for sale for what u think its worth or what u want for it, have a look at what similar condition corrado's are up for sale for and go with that, its up to the buyer to knock u down and knowing a car has been a cat c will give them something to try and knock u down with or u could put it up for sale a bit cheaper but not accept an a lower offer saying that u've already taken into account its a cat c and thats why you've put it up for less, its up to you what u advertise it for at the end of the day and if someone is willing to pay that for it, doesn't really matter what the book value is.

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