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Side repeater trauma!

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Any tips or tricks out there for retrieving a side repeater cable and bulb assembly that has been taken out of the plastic housing for cleaning, but subsequently slipped inside the wing? Am I going to be fishing for it forever?!


If it's not one thing, it's another... :nuts:






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I had the same issue a few years back. But once you sort the problem once it gets pretty easy to solve if it ever happens again!


a) Fishing with a bent coat hanger through the indicator hole for a while.


b) undoing a few of the retaining screws on the plastic arch liner will give you enough leeway to pull the liner slightly out of the arch enough to get your hand in and retrieve the plug.

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By the time you've been able to fish it out you're probably best taking the arch lining out. I managed to fish the light out once and it took a while to do it, i put the indicator on to allow me to see where it was.

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wish me luck!


i put the indicator on to allow me to see where it was.


top tip ;)

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wish me luck!


i put the indicator on to allow me to see where it was.


top tip ;)[/quote:1vwnrag4]


Oh and getting hold of the wire with the hanger is one thing, pulling the light back through the hole without dropping it back in the wing is another :bad-words:

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