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Coolant Temps

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Sorry guys this has probbaly been covered so many times but i cant find the post on here so i thought i would just ask instaed. What should the engine temp and oil temp be while cruiseing at about 70/80mph, my vr reads at about just under 100c and oil at about 102c is it runnring to hot? sorry for askeing guys.


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The oil sounds ok, maybe a little hot, but I've seen mine at 112/114c when sitting at 90-95mph (private road of course), but the coolant shouldn't be reading that high. Ideally it should sit centre gauge at 90c. It's either a sticking thermostat (what does the temp rise to when sitting in traffic?), or a dodgy coolant temp sensor. Be aware that if/when you take the stat out to test it, then the stat housing will probably break, as they are constructed from plastic, and become brittle with age.


Unsure exactly where the coolant temp sensor is, but a search would reveal all.


Hope this helps

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Oil and coolant temps seem a bit close together. Oil about right. Blue sender does ECU and yellow does water gauge. Both senders cheapish. Compare the gauge and ECU temp on VAG-COM when up to temp if possible. Bottom hose on rad should stay cold until thermostat opens around 80c then get hot rapidly. There is loads on this stuff in the searches. Enjoy!

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the water temp rises up to just over a 100c while in traffic then the fans kick in as the should to cool it, just a bit paranoid as iam takeing the car down south in a couple of weeks.


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Something is wrong there, should run at 90 most of the time and hardly ever get much hotter...


Maybe try a new ran fan thermoswitch although it could be just the sensor under reading with age.

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This may sound stupid :confused4: but what is the thermostat and what does it do? Where abouts is it? Is it a fairly straight forward job to fix? Was out in the car tonight and cruiseing around town the engine seemed fairly hot water temp over 100c, sorry if this has been asked


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