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G60 Power Steering pump

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Hi Folks,

There's a bit of noise coming out of my engine on my Corrado G60 and I've pretty much narrowed it down to the power steering pump.

The steering's been noisy for ages and now there's a bit of play in the pulley.


What I can't figure out is what the easiest way is to get the pump out? I've tried going in from underneath but the water pump's a bit hard to remove and I don't know what else will be in the way once it's gone.

Can anyone recommend how I get it out?


Also any ideas on where to source a replacement?

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You need the charger off to get at the water pump...


I think you can remove the pas pump by removing the 2 brackets - there is a steel on at the side with 2 or 3 13mm hex bolts holding it on and also the alloy one underneath with 2 more bolts that bolt straight up.

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OK first undo the bolts to slacken the belt, they are on the left hand side bracket thats attached to the side of the block.(pic 1)


Then undo the two 13mm nuts on the other side you will see one but the other in inside the bracket so you may need a extension bar.


Then take the headlight out and the last bolt is on the charger bracket to the left (its the black one on pic 3)


It should drop out now if not slacken the 3 bolts on the support bracket that holds the pump, it will come off with one bracket still attached and 3 bolts in it. Remember to undo the hoses while all the bolts are tighten as it may be stiff,and its heavy.


These are obsolete now and specific to the g60 try arz tuning or german ebay.


Hope this helps.

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Cheers lads really appreciate the help!


Right I'm a tiny bit confused, looking at the engine side on I have on the bottom left my Crank pulley then to the right (very slighty higher) connected by the serpentine blet

I have what I think is the power steering pulley, the water pump I think is the lowest pulley on the bottom right connected by a seperate toothed belt.


What I've done so far is undo the tensioner at the top of the engine which is connected right beside the altenator which has released the tension on the serpentine belt.

with this free I've managed to take off what I think is the power steering pulley and then I stopped working as I was going for the water pump and didn't really know what I was doing.


Can you guide me from here, do I need to take the water pump off and then try take the power steering pump out the bottom of the engine or am I taking out the charger and

going in from the top?


Bottom line is it a case of me having to take apart a load of the engine bay to get this out or should it be relatively straight forward?


Cheers :D

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you dont need to do any of that with the charger belt as that drives the water pump not thr pas pump.if you want your water pump off then your charger needs coming off a pain job just follow the instuctions above and look at the pics to help.

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Whoops yeah I think I've confused the water pump with the power steering pump.


The one that's having problems is the one on the serpentine belt so it must be the water pump, I'll take out the charger and dig down from there.


Cheers :D

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you don't need to take the water pump off??


Its hard to explain but it really is a case of getting underneath and having a good look and the securing bolts on the unit and undoing them.

Take your time and have a good look at how it is secured unitl the penny drops.

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See I'm a bit confused over what I think is the water pump and what I think is the steering pump.


What I'm thinking now is that in Drewiee's first pic the bottom pump which is connected to the crank on its own belt is the power steering pump and the pump directly over that (not in view) is the water pump. It's the pump that's not in view that is causing me problems and what I need to replace.


So to confirm is the pump in the first pic the power steering pump?

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in drewiee99 last picture the bottom left corner is the power steering pump.

The water pump is above it.


In simple terms the bottom most pump on a g60 engine is the powersteering.

The water pump is above it and sits directly behind the supercharger bracket.

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Hmmm - sounds like it's your water pump then that's faulty.... usually a easy job on a 8v but not on a G60 and the charger and bracket need to come off to get to it - worth getting the charger done at the same time.

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Yeah cheers, it's the water pump then (at least they've available to buy!)


I'll take the charger out and work my way down from there, thanks again for the help, I'll let you know how I'm getting on

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this is what it look like when the charger and alternator is off, the clips for the hoses are a real git to undo especially when you only got mole grips.The charget bracket slides off those 4 long bolts.

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