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Autowatch Central Locking Problem

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Hope someone can help me!


Im trying to get my autowatch alarm to perform a total closure. Ive read the threads on how to do this (extended +ve current to the red/yellow wire in the drivers door)


But when i looked at the current fitting the guy who fitted it hasnt even used the red/yellow wire to lock or red/black wire to unlock.


Instead he's cut another red/black wire in the drivers door (actually black with red stripe) and rigged a set of relays to send and alternative +ve or -ve current down this wire to lock and unlock the doors. sending an extended current down this wire does not affect the windows.


The other end of this wire he's cut is not used and continues to runs into the door, i would have thought this wire would have no charge but it has a constant +ve.


I would have re- connected these two ends (the black wire with red stripe) and then wired the lock/unlock mechanism how it should be done (red/yellow wire and red/black wire) but im worried about whether the constant +ve is supposed to be so.


Really hope someone can help, sorry if the description is a little confusing. I can try and explain it better if needed.


Thank you



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Ok, i understand that was a nightmare to understand.


So heres a simpler question;


Does anyone know what the red and black wire that runs directly from the actuator in the door to the car do? And should it always carry a +ve current?


Any help is very much appreciated.


Or does anyone know someone who could help me with this little problem without offering to re-fit my entire alarm and locking system?


Thank you,



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