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Gillian G60

G60 Boost question??

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I've used the mfa to find out what boost pressure the g60 is producing, apparently should fluctuate between 550 and 750 on idle, and raise up to around 2000 (14.5 psi) at redline... Mine seems to fluctuate between 750 and 800 at idle, but when revved through will reach over 3400!!


I know the engine is a big bore street from big boys toys... what size exactly I'm not sure, and it seems to have a 68mm pulley, so I'd assume the chip is in place too with a kent vernier timing sprocket.


It doesnt quite feel as lively as my other chipped/pullied stock sized engine did, especially from low revs.


Hopefully someone may be able to shed some light on these figures...?!


Thanks, jared

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it looks like you have a different cam on because of the verner pulley im guessing they have moved the power band up the rev range has its slow to get away then the power comes on later :shrug:

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hmmm... seems I had it on the wrong setting or something :wave: !! testing it today it seems to only reach 1500 max at top of third gear, which I believe is very low, however, the car still feels pretty quick even with this low boost!? I'm assuming this is down to the bigger bore of the engine compensating for the chargers lack of pressure... 50 to 70 in 5th gear seems to take 10 seconds... My other g60 was more like 6!! any one got any other figures so as to compare... or any other suggestions... Does it sound like a re-build required?? there doesnt seem to be excessive oil in the charger...! perhapse an air leak?? Cheers, Jared

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the measurement of boost is all down to how much back pressure you engine doesnt flow hence the pressure build up


if youve got a ready good flowing head and exhuast then the engine will flow all availabe boost hence no back pressure


the best way to get rid of any suspicions is to rolling road it and then compare on here to what bhp other simliar spec engines do!!!!


point on R.R alway make sure oil and water are topped up and alway get the wheel figure not the flywheel figure

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