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first week

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Right so ive had my 1.8 16v C for just under a week now, definatly a completely differnt car to all the golfs ive had, it makes u feel special to drive it. now i know the performance on a near stock 16v is nothing to brag about, but its got power more or less every time u need it on todays roads. the handleing is out of this world, far better than anyhthing ive ever experienced.


but now for the small problems that are cropping up, as expected when i onl payed a grand for her;


. oil runs alot hotter than i would expect (100 degrees area)


. water temp ran little warm on for a while but hasnt doesnt since, but i expect that i ewas my sister redlineing it infront of her mates while i was in mcdonalds


. havent had the mfa read above 18mpg yet


.oil light flashes and beeps occaiosanlly for no reason and then just goes away


.power steering belt needs a tighten (but i had a mk3 diesel so im used to that)


now obviosly ive checked the oil and water and there fine, i havent noticed any leaks or dodgy smells as of yet, i just wonder whether im worrying over nothing as it is 18 years old, and i do expect the odd problem, id just prefer it if there were no problems.


any help wud be much apreciated



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First things first have you given it a good service? might just need a good flushing out, new oil, plugs etc.


has it been stood for long? water temp may have been the thermostat being stuck shut, if it continues to get hot check the radiator hoses make sure they are warm.


mfa is usually wrong on corrado's, i wouldnt worry unless your actually getting 18mpg.


again, oil light might just need a good service, check the blue/yellow plugs are securly fixed to the oil filter housing at the front of the engine as thats why my oil light went a bit crazy once.

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Hi Baylez


Im running the same as you. 1.8 16v.


MPG - Round town i average about 18-20 but thats driving normally then upto 25-30 on a motorway. ive also been told these MFA's are not pin point accurate.


Watertemp - Same again mate, round town spopping at light ect its sat around 104 then drops to around 80-90 when on the motorway


Oil Light - Mine was flashing and beeping when going round corners fast then it goes away, i topped up my oil and it has not done it since.


As for the oil temp ive not had any problems.



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welcome to C ownership :D


as stated above ur temps seem fine, defo check the oil tho. on older cars the mfa's generally indicate 99mpg so your doing well to get a reading at all - they're not that accurate at best tho.


you will get issues, but there's a wealth of expertise round this place that can help you out, but the sooner you start getting ur hands dirty the better :D best of luck with it

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i'm guessing the fact you've only just got the car, plus your sister redlining it will contribute to poor mpg as you hoof around in your new toy. as others have said, the mfa is not the most accurate, you're better off waiting till the fuel gauge has hit the red, then brim the tank, see how many litres you filled up with and then measure how far you go before you hit the red line again.

as other have said temps sound fine, but check your oil level, sounds low!

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nice one. im startring to get better mpg now ive calmed down abit lol. the oil light hasnt done anything for a while, and the oil level is fine. but the water temp keeps raising too high and wont go back down unless i kill it and leave to cool, and sumtimes when starting the engine from cold the watertemp light stays flashing even though theres not a problem with temperature.


well as soon as ive bin payed again, ill do myself a big service, oil, filter, plugs and probably cam belt. is it worth flushing the water system and starting that from fresh? and how hard is it too wire in a manual fan switch

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sounds like a stuck thermostat, check the bottom pipe to the radiator gets warm as the engine does, if not then replace thermostat on bottom of water pump, they're cheapish


oh, and check your water level is fine, it sounds like it may be low

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