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Heres a new one (well to me anyway)

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Heres a new one (well to me anyway)


My drivers door stopped locking so i automatically thought pump :roll: but all other doors/boots were working. Just took the door off and found this little plate thingy and the pin coming from the door lock nowhere near it. just jabbed at it a while with a trusty old phillips and got it back in the whole :)




o and p.s.

Ive always wondered why the black circle trim around the door pin is always cracked. Well i found out today. That pin will not go in the whole!! :censored:

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Stick a pen/biro tube over the pin before you put the doorcard back on. Makes it easier.


Nice one will remember that

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what would be there best way to keep the pin in the whole. came out again :bad-words:

A black plastic door pin?

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no the pin in the pic ^^. it falls out of the hinge. only way i can see is to push it in and bend it a little the other side to keep it in the hole. will be difficult/impossible given the space thats there

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