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Early cards to late back to early again

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I decided to go back to original on my silver rado but I've cut the wires to close to the connectors. Might need to move this to wanted in the end.

Have they had it? :shrug: Can the originals be salvaged



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I May have some early (or they might be late) looms in the loft... just need to remember how to tell them apart as had both to do an early->late conversion... and sent one lot up to Kip... Just can't remember which ones I sent! :brickwall:

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early ones have more sockets but if you only got one set you cant compare :)

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I've got these, the mirror plug and passenger and drivers window plugs


early doorcard plugs (Large).jpg[/attachment:35zjie7c]


Any good? £6 posted? I have the window switches with surrounds too if you need them but no mirror switch, call it £10 the lot posted if you like.

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Im not sure what I need altogether, I'll go up my barn later and see what needs done, cheers for finding them for me :clap:

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Just so you know I'm away for a week so you prob won't get a reply until Wednesday next week if you need them. Just PM me and we can go from there. 8)



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