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Bra Advice on use

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ok peeps I've just got myself a bra as a) I think they look cool and b) my daily journey involves a dual carriage ways and I don't want any*more* stone chips.


so my question is what are peoples weekly / monthly rituals with their bras. I'd like to leave it on as much as poss but don't want to ruin the paint by leaving it on too long.


1) what colour is your car?

2) have you suffered ill effects to your paint by using one, if so was it rectifiable with a polish and wax?

3) how long to you leave it on for in one go?

4) what do you do to your bonnet before fitting it, wash, what type of wax etc?

5) how do clean your bra?

6) anything else that might be useful!


thanks in advance - hopefully this might grow into a fairly useful resource of info on corrado underwear!

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ok had my bra for a while so heres what i do....



1, white


2, i havent no, though one of my friends who had a white mk4 golf did as he left it on for a long time.. dont know if it was rectifiable or not.


3, roughly a week, maybe a little longer. but should aim for a week..


4,ok, this is where your paint will be saved from the bra sweating, obviously give the car a good clean polish etc.. i put two layers of collinite 915 wax on my car before i fitted the bra. a good layer of wax will protect the paint work and make it easy to clean under the bra when you take it off.


5, i usually just wipe it over with some soapy water and then treat it with some leather conditioner even though im pretty sure its vinyl...


6, so in all, take it off once a week and clean underneath it, just to be on the safe side so that your paint doesnt get affected by it.. when you take it off you will see how much the bra has sweated.. make sure the car has a a good layer of wax on before fitting the bra, id never fit one of these bras to bare paint.. just keep an eye on it and you cant go farr wrong.


hth.. :D

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That makes comical reading for the likes of my small mind :norty:

Especially polishing twice before fitting. Mmmm, my pleasure.

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:lol: yes yes we are talking about bras - calm down children :lol:


i am thinking fully load the bonnet with lots of wax - and looks like leave it off at weekends to let the paint breath. bonnet needs a spray anyway, so until then I won't be overly distraught if the bra causes any chaffing anywhere.


reason i asked colour of car is that i've read certain colours are more susceptable (sp?) to damage through using one of these?

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:lol: yes yes we are talking about bras - calm down children :lol:


i am thinking fully load the bonnet with lots of wax - and looks like leave it off at weekends to let the paint breath. bonnet needs a spray anyway, so until then I won't be overly distraught if the bra causes any chaffing anywhere.


reason i asked colour of car is that i've read certain colours are more susceptable (sp?) to damage through using one of these?


well lighter colours are obviously going to show the sweat marks and dirt more.. as i said good couple of coats of wax and a quick clean once a week will do the job...

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IMO they look hideous, worse than stone chips for sure. Wouldn't you be better off using some professionally applied transparent vinyl film over the leading edge of the bonnet which is advertised in the likes of Evo?

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IMO they look hideous, worse than stone chips for sure. Wouldn't you be better off using some professionally applied transparent vinyl film over the leading edge of the bonnet which is advertised in the likes of Evo?


I wasn't looking for opinions - as i said I like them (which is what counts) and I just wanted to know how owners 'manage' their use of them. i've read plenty of threads which are fuller of lovers and haters of them. thought this might be a useful thread for users to share experience

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i just leave mine all all tme, the paint is already chipped after 20 years of been around so

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