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Question about a mk2 8v GTI Golf, wrong forum I know

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How hard is a camshaft upgrade on an 8v GTI Golf?


I know it's a random place to ask but I've never been let down by this forum before and I know a lot of users have a good knowledge of everything VW


Anyways, is it a case of removing the rocker cover, removing the rocker arms, undo the bolt that holds the cam sprocket on, leave the sprocket in situ, pop the new cam in using the key cut out, put it back together. No timing needed etc (leave tappets as the car's only worth 400 quid)


Not my car but I'd be doing it, did my VR cams myself and it wasn't the most enjoyable thing I've ever done, can only be bothered to do this if it's a quick and easy afternoon jobby.

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I dunno, belt to release the cambelt tensioner I'd say and slip the belt off before undoing the pulley then you need to let the new one settle on the tappets for a while before starting, maybe pour some fresh oil over it but if it's a brand new cam you should really use the proper paste and turn it by hand a few times.


I'd do a cambelt and oil change at the same time ideally...


What are you changing it too by the way as there is not much wrong with the standard cam (on a standard engine)?

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pretty easy job on an 8v GTI, single cam, no 'stuff' in the way to get the cam cover off, just make sure you get the cambelt pulley off the old cam first! ideally need to find a proper tool or made up method for locking the pulley to undo the bolt.

had a schrick cam in an 8v a long time ago and it peps up the engine a fair bit at the top end, really nice mod on a standard engine.

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Well just dropping in a Kent (266 I think) to spice it up a bit. On a car as old and knackered as this Golf it's just for a bit of fun more then anything else.


All sounds substantially easier then my shoot myself in the face chore of doing my schimmels. Don't want to repeat that anytime again soon.


Thanks for the advice, time to get the old disposable gloves on then me thinks.

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