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My Burgundy Pearl 16v

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I bought this corrado at the beginning of March and It has sat for 3 Months while I've been in afghanistan. Here are some pics






I bought some things via the internet while I was away!






And when you put them together you get this! Yes I know it needs a bloody wash




I'm hoping to lower it a little more but left it like this for the MOT today. As you can see the car only cost me £400 so needless to say it wasn't good news on the MOT but by this time next week it will have all new copper brake lines amongst many other things!!!


Let me know what you thing, especially the wheels because I think they may cause some controversy





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Looks nice mate, as with all Radda`s it will be love/hate passion. But you have a good starting point, keep it up :clap:

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love the wheels - i considered them when i was looking but couldn't quite picture them on a rado. good vision mate they look the tits


quite some poke on the rear - surely your rubbing tyres or are the arches fettled?

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Nah the arches aren't fettled yet but it isn't quite low enough yet, only problem is that if I go any lower the front splitter might grounds out on cats eyes lol. I might have to see if I can get a shorter one.


I've got to get the rust spots sorted next but it's mainly on the front wings, with a little bit in the middle of the boot lid underneath the spoiler

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looks good dude, didnt like the wheels at first but theyve kinda grown on me... will have to see this in the metal once youve got it back.. its in safe hands at tickover..

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What are you doing on tuesday Andy as I'll be travelling down to Gosport to pick up the car, i'll be around mid afternoon as I need to tax the car before the post office closes. I'll be driving back up country once the rush hour traffic has died down. Where is gosport are you?

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What are you doing on tuesday Andy as I'll be travelling down to Gosport to pick up the car, i'll be around mid afternoon as I need to tax the car before the post office closes. I'll be driving back up country once the rush hour traffic has died down. Where is gosport are you?


ill be around teusday afternoon, im in lee on solent, not farr from tickover at all, will pm you my postcode and mob number, look forward to seeing it..

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The fronts are 7.5x16 and apparently et35 but I have put 10mm spacers so they are now et25. Tyres are 195/45/16 Dunlop Sp9000


The rears are 9x16 et25 rims with 1omm spacers also but again have 10mm spacers so are et15 now. Tyres are 215/35/16 Dunlop Sp9000


The wheels and tyres were off a Corsa turbo and are 4x100pcd. I paid £400 for the wheels and tyres on ebay lol

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Well it's all gone to Ratshit today, have had the Rado on the road for just over 7 days and some git has driven into the back of me this afternoon. It doesn't look too bad from the outside but upon closer inspection I have found that the boot panel has been pushed in quite considerably!! I'm so gutted.


Have spoken to my insurance company and they seem to think that because of the cars age and value that it'll probably be written off. Hopefuly they'll let me buy it back and I can see about repairing it. If not I'll be stripping all of the mods quicktime and looking for another motor.


Pictures to follow!!

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my car was a write off in march, same sort of accient :( i brought mine back and have been sorting out it!! try and get as much money as you can, normally 10% buy back...

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Sorry to hear about your car mate, hopefully it will all end up ok. Wheels looked awesome. I'm in the same situation as you at the moment because somebody has hit my car too :( .

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Sorry to hear that. Hope they don't write it off for you.


Don't mean to rub salt in the wound but, how did you get over speed bumps being so low?

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Lol, I am going down the neck injury route as I haven't been able to fly out to Iraq with work and I have been put on light duties due to my neck pain.


As far as the speed bumps go, I have had to raise the car all round in order to clear speed bumps but I still get quite alot of scrubbage on the front splitter!

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Well the story so far is that they haven't written the car off, but they haven't repaired it either. I spoke to the engineer and I have been given cash in lew of the damages so it isn't a recorded accident and I'm going to get the car fixed!

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if its not recorded that means you cant claim whiplash then doesnt it??


is it just a case of new rear panel and boot?? or is it worse??

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No i'm still goinga head with the whiplash claim, i meant that it's not recorded as a CAT C/CAT D write off.


I have a replacement rear bumper and the car is going in the jig and having the rear panel pulled out and it is all being sprayed. With the money I have left over I'm having the rear arches rolled both front wings replaced and the front bumper/bonnet resprayed aswell as a slight crease in the offside rear arch removed.


After all this work it should look pretty good when I take it to Edition38 at the beginning of september.


I'm going to attempt to put a KR inlet cam and do the cam belt next week aswell as an ECU chip so we'll see if there is any improvement

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can we make our own club??


i take it the club stands are closer to the action... me and a mate are going in our rados, but not until saturday morning

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