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Alex i so wish you lived near me so i could help out a bit! As i said before if you need any parts i can get them delivered to my work normally the day after ordering them via a very helpfull guy i know at my local TPS, could then have them posted to you the same day i get them so maybe 3/4 days max from ordering.


Let me know in future if you want to take me up on the offer ;)


Loving your dedication too though buddy so keep it up :)

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  KIPVW said:
Alex i so wish you lived near me so i could help out a bit! As i said before if you need any parts i can get them delivered to my work normally the day after ordering them via a very helpfull guy i know at my local TPS, could then have them posted to you the same day i get them so maybe 3/4 days max from ordering.


Let me know in future if you want to take me up on the offer ;)


Loving your dedication too though buddy so keep it up :)


I do remember your kind offer kip, if I ever get really stuck I will definitely be taking you up on the offer! I wouldn't like to put you out though, if I have to buy large items or lots of expensive things then I'll drop you a pm :)




- Sent from my iPhone you lemon!

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Just a quick one today as I should really be working.... :rolleyes:


Had a REALLY good night working on the car yesterday. It thankfully stayed quite dry and I jumped straight onto the car after i got back from work, I also had some help from Neobadness that helped loads! :thumbleft:


First off... the old tensioner and pulley



was surprised how quickly I managed to get these parts off... I snapped the odd bolt but Mimjed has sent the bolts with the pulley and tensioner so I should still be OK!


Next job was a little more labour intensive. By this time was 6:30pm and getting cold. Nevertheless I had a broken sunroof seal so I decide to remove the headlining and replace the mech at the same time as replacing the seal. Sorry for the lack of pics but I spent most of my time working and not sight-seeing! :lol:




We had the head lining off, old mech out, new mech in and the head lining replaced by 9:15pm!


SOOoooo provided I get the pulley in the post today I could have the car back together by tonight! Hooray! :cheers:


BTW.... if anyone has experience with replacing sunroofs then I could use some advice on here http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?57753-Sunroof-struggles-to-slide&p=739956#post739956 :thumbleft:

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Good work fella! That old item was properly dead, wasn't it? I mean that thing couldn't have provided tension at an anti-G60 rally! :lol:

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  boost monkey said:
Good work fella! That old item was properly dead, wasn't it? I mean that thing couldn't have provided tension at an anti-G60 rally! :lol:



BTW... they just delivered the parts I need :D



Edited by Alex_G60_Fanatic

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She passed! MOT was this morning at 8:30am and she passed! One advisory!


"Off side rear tyre close to legal limit"


I'm SOOOO Happy!!!! Wah!!!





I was up till 10pm last night sitting under a lamp post fiddling with ISV's and boost pipes.... but it was ALL worth it in the end!





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  CazzaVR said:
Wahey! Brilliant news Alex 8)


Isn't it just!:dance:


just taxed it.... Going to do some last min things tonight


  • check oil
  • check plugs
  • change air filter
  • re-fit chin spoiler
  • make up a tool kit for car


And tomorrow I drive down south! :thumbleft:


Anyone in Bristol who fancies meeting up? I'll buy you a Cider! :cool:

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Well done!!


I knew paying your garage in dundee cake would get the job done. (I'm not sure I will ever stop mentioning dundee cake).


---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------


p.s. if you come and fix my car I will pay you in kendal mint cake. Things to bring:





Not a big to do list really.

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  boost monkey said:
yeah true.


btw you're not allowed to finish your C before mine (any time in the next 10 years)...



  boost monkey said:


p.s. if you come and fix my car I will pay you in kendal mint cake. Things to bring:





Not a big to do list really.


Oxfords no where near kendal! :lol:


Had you not better pay me in eccles cakes or Hollygog pudding??


Also what engine do you need? I've got a lawn mower you can borrow!

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ouch! :lol: if you have an R8 going spare that would be nice, otherwise I'll settle for a KR :D


I miss kendal mint cake.... :/


p.s. well done. again.

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  boost monkey said:


p.s. well done. again.


cheers mate, If you fancy meeting up on Sunday BTW for a pint I'm going to be in swindon meeting up with vKrisv at my old Pub for pies and beer

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Well done mate :) I bet it's about a thousand times more rewarding having slogged through all that and got it done yourself! Congratulations :)

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  Alex_G60_Fanatic said:
She passed! MOT was this morning at 8:30am and she passed! One advisory!



I was up till 10pm last night sitting under a lamp post fiddling with ISV's and boost pipes.... but it was ALL worth it in the end!



Seem to recall someone else was there too until 10pm, someone with awesome welding skillage fixing the bit you broke. Someone who nearly lost their front bumper in the line of duty.... and did loose their fog lamps.... Cough ****ing cough...


Glad it passed though dude.

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Lol! Never forgotten dude.... This boy was indeed welding in the dark for me last night... Although, you're bumper falling off was not strictly my fault :lol: but you coming back after that happened proved you're dedication to the cause!


A shiny beer shall be your reward!




- Sent from my iPhone you lemon!

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  Alex_G60_Fanatic said:
Lol! Never forgotten dude.... This boy was indeed welding in the dark for me last night... Although, you're bumper falling off was not strictly my fault :lol: but you coming back after that happened proved you're dedication to the cause!


A shiny beer shall be your reward!




- Sent from my iPhone you lemon!

Shiny beer eh? My favourite. I was too knackered yesterday to sort out my indicators and fogs. Will be a job for the weekend I think.

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  neobadness said:
Shiny beer eh? My favourite. I was too knackered yesterday to sort out my indicators and fogs. Will be a job for the weekend I think.


I was quite tired last night but I decided The corrado should get another look at... Was wondering why my drivers side suspension was lower than my passenger side... so I took the front wheels off and measured the drop, was EXACTLY the same on both sides :scratch:


Then I noticed that my drivers side tyre is a 205 x 55 and my passenger side is a 195 x 55 :brickwall:

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Aw dude, my laughter is of the sympathetic variety.


When you get back I reckon I can get you sorted out with a set of new boots from Gregor. Shouldn't be too expensive to sort.

That's if you don't spend all your money on Cider and exotic chutneys...

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