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Measure up the other door if that sits correctly, and then measure everything on the damaged side, door, doorframe etc. You may ease yourself a bit or find out what the problem is. I once trashed a door on my former Mk. II Golf, because the lft dropped on one side. Looked terribly and had to beat the door to make it come close enough to close to get home. Felt so bad that I imediately measured everything up and found only the door to be out of shape. 2½ hours later I had bought a second hand rustfree door, and next day I got it to my trusted painter, and next evening I had everything done and finished.


You may even be lucky enough to just use a plank to correct the door's hinges, but it takes a skilled guy who has done it many times before to give it just the right press, to make it perfect. No windnoise and that.


Cheer up, it'll be good to go again, and smile will return. Think of it this way maybe this just saved you from something worse. Good you didn't hurt yourself.




Edited by Redfox

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I object to you using the word "monkeyed" as a bad word!


It's the only word that feels right you know... kinda personifies all that's wrong with my car :p


I've just been paid and I've gone and got the following things...


Engine Oil

Sump and gasket

Power steering belt

PAS Pump

Track rods and ends

50mm Splitter


But... because I'm silly I've also bought a


Rocker Cover

Stainless Steel Exhaust Manifold


Don't even NEED a new manifold...:scratch: OH well!

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Firstly, best sig ever. Is he a relative?


Let us know how you get on with the rebuilding.


He is pretty cool isn't he! It was as close to an image of me after finishing the build as I could find...


BTW... would it be ok to drive the car with the power steering pump disconnected for a while?

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Poopy :(


very... :(


where did you get the rocker cover... ive been searching for a while and have failed miserably

On here... Just saw it in passing.


I spotted a 8v rocker cover on ebay as well a few days ago that sold for £25 with all the plastic trim etc


They are about... you just need to keep your ears to the ground.

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i have been looking at the 8V ones on ebay... they all apear tohave the oil cap and breather on the opposite sides to what the g60 has.


if someone has a old looking one i would take it as im planning on getting it blasted and polished

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i have been looking at the 8V ones on ebay... they all apear tohave the oil cap and breather on the opposite sides to what the g60 has.


if someone has a old looking one i would take it as im planning on getting it blasted and polished


Post a wanted advert dude...

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BTW... would it be ok to drive the car with the power steering pump disconnected for a while?


Yeah I have. I drove mine without any lines going into the PAS rack at all, but you're asking for dirt and grime to enter if you do that. Also when you turn the wheel the PAS lines will squirt PAS fluid out if you don't have them going to a tank or something (and if you leave them on!)


Driving with no PAS builds the pythons. The guns. The destroyers. Check out this guy. He drives a Corrado with no PAS:




I know i've got my tickets....

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Ah no that's fine then. I thought you had pulled the pump off cos you mangled it in your MacDonald's Carpark Friday Funtime Fest.


nah... just bent the mounting point... And it was a Cineworld car park... :lol:

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Well now... It's not all good news.


Yesterday I got the sump off the car




No damage at all from what I can see. Oil pump looked good and oil pick-up looked OK (to my untrained eye) as well.


The same couldn't be said for the sump however...




Not mangled... but not worth keeping either. A big thank you to EnthusiastOwned™ for giving me his used sump! :thumbleft:


So got the new sump on the car topped up the oil and also changed the gearbox oil while i was down there. The car is now drivable again. I still need to change the tracking arms but otherwise i think she's OK! Took her for a we drive to see the extent of the damage to the handling and TBH.... she tracks better now than before the accident! :lol: However the camber is now shot and I'm hoping it just needs adjusting... would hate for there to be anything seriously wrong with the hub or suspension.


The other news however is worse than the above... after taking the sump off the car I had a look inside...




It's full of metal fragments approximately 1-2mm in length (at the largest...)




Now... If you couple this to the knowlage that after I drove the car last night she ran at first very lumpy but got better as she got hotter until by the time she was at 70 degrees she was running rather well. Is this a possible sign of something bad that may be happening in my car?


I do hope not... :(

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are those chunks actually metal though? I bet you 72p that it's part of the windage tray thing you have got in there.


If you're missing big chunks of that from the rotating assembly of your engine I doubt it would work as well as it seems to!


---------- Post added at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------


also your pickup looks OK to me :)

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are those chunks actually metal though? I bet you 72p that it's part of the windage tray thing you have got in there.


If you're missing big chunks of that from the rotating assembly of your engine I doubt it would work as well as it seems to!


---------- Post added at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------


also your pickup looks OK to me :)


I wouldn't say she's running that well tbh... It sometimes feels like one of the cylinders is not firing. But then after driving her for a bit she settles down and gives decent pull. Although I remember her being quicker...but I've always put that down to the fact I know that the charger needs a service. And they are DEFIANTLY metal... They're magnetic... Maybe a remnant from a previously dodgy something that has been fixed in its long past?? But then why wouldn't you clean the sump out then?


It's a mystery. I think I'll do a pressure test tonight and change the plugs at the same time.... I'll let you know what I find.

Edited by Alex_G60_Fanatic

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any history that would suggest something disintegrating alex, they could have been there for a long time?

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any history that would suggest something disintegrating alex, they could have been there for a long time?

nah... went through the old service documents yesterday. Nothing big has happened. I was going to do a pressure test last night but I didn't get chance. I'll be doing it tonight hopefully, will let you know what I find.

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the clues in the title... seat bolster as the foam has gone from my drivers side seat.


As an aside... That is one HELL of a crotch... David Bowie would be proud



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ok ok so they're for your seat and not your wardrobe.


But you enjoyed those pictures didn't you? I bet you're sat around, shovelling dundee cake crumbs in your mouth laughing like a schoolboy.

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