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James sprinter

Anything inbetween wax and waxoyl?

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Hi Guys,


Gave the car a deep clean at the weekend, removed all that anoying gunk and weird micro moss at the edges of the panels, had all the rubbers off and cleaned underneath and cleaned all the paintwork you don't normally see, petrol filler door frames etc.


Overall well chuffed as I only found one small patch of superficial rust under the rubbers which I treated straight away, however I get the feeling these are areas that may be vunerable to the dreaded rust and I would like to treat.


Problem is that some areas are visible some are not, but I'm not likely to wax these parts everytime I wash the car, way too much faff!


As far as I know POR-15, Dinitrol, Waxoyl (even the clear one is orangey :shrug: ) are going to look crap in these areas, and a standard wax doesn't feel beefy enough to me to protect long term.


Essentially, I'm wondering if anyone has used anything inbetween a normal wax and a hardcore protection system that is transparent?


P.S would recommend cleaning all the areas to the rest of you while the sun is shining :) the amount of gunk that came out was unbelievable! :pukeright:

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Check up in the corner where the petrol flap central locking pin comes through, I bet there's plenty of corrosion up there.


As for protecting unseen areas, I use black U-Pol Gravi Guard, (especially the sills where water and gravel abrade the paint away) and in areas not susceptible to water spray (such as behind the bumpers, tailgate panels etc etc) I use black waxoyl because it doesn't turn to liquid in hot summers and pour down the car!

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