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Need advice/guidance re VR6 purchase

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Just wanna gauge your thoughts on what I'm willing to do to get myself back into a VR.

Would you do the same?

Have you done the same? or are in a similier position financially as a consequence?


I understand their may be some bias here as I'm on Corraddo appreciation forum :lol:




Need 6keuro to purchase, travel, pay duty & insure the new dream car.

Have only 3k in bank for said car.


Dilemma is thus, do I top up my already big'ish bank loan for the other 3k???? :shrug:

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If your not happy with the bigger loan then keep saving for a bit.


Always get the best car you can to start with, don't compromise! :grin:

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The way Corrado prices are at the mo it really is false economy to buy anything other than a good one IMO


You could get a minter with all known problems already fixed for circa 3.5-5k or get something that 'may' require 3k's worth of work within a year. Defo worth saving a bit more though and then taking your time to find the perfect car for you and pouncing on it :grin:

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