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speaker/headunit/crossover question

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I've got a set of Infinitys fitted to my car at the moment - which I think are within the audioscape pods. Theres also a set of tweeters on the dash - no idea what they are. And between them a bunch of unwanted wiring and 2 blocks which are the infinity crossovers. Unfortunately the install with said items meant the crossover blocks were stuffed behind the center console - which I am very much wanting to get rid of. I can admit to knowing very little about car stereos etc - so will need some help please on a few questions; I was told I can buy a setup of equal quality that has inbuilt crossovers - though I wasn't sure whether that was in the headunit or speakers, or otherwise. Can anyone answer that and offer some advice on a setup that can do away with my current arrangement? Thanks in advance

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1) i hate having 2 large lumps sitting behind the dash

2) i'm led to believe theres an alternative to the above by having inbuilt crossovers - is this true?

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hey mate, a crossover has a speaker input from the headunit/amp and terminals for a tweeter and a speaker (woofer cone). a tweeter and speaker are connected to crossovers so each speaker will only play a controlled range of frequencies. its there for clarity/definition and more control of your sound, and also to reduce speaker distortion.


you get crossovers on amps in the form of hpf and lpf (high pass filter and low pass filter)


you get the same in some car stereos


if you look at the time i wrote this you could imagine im half awake but call on 07872841050 - kiran, if u want a hand

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But if they are behind the dash then whats the problem? You cant see them.


All high end set ups have these as they are the best, except some ultra high end stuff which is far out of the reach of most folk. As Kiaran has said they are there so the speakers play dedicated stuff, yes you can get them on amps but to run a set of components that way with the lpf/hpf you would need a 4 channel amp which you would be then running them active not passive which you currently do, it is a better way to do it but costs alot more too.


I cant think of a good way by just replacing speakers where its going to be better, coaxials are the same stuff in essence as having a seperate mid range driver and tweeter but mounted on the same unit with cheap resistors to split the frequencies.


If the main aim is to remove the crossover box then the only real solution in my eyes is to run them active as above. HTH

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Thanks but sorry I'm lost with that info mate. To put things a little more bluntly - I'm clueless when it comes to this area and couldn't care a monkeys about stereo equipment! So as I see it - the extra wiring and large boxes behind the dash which are a nuisance to secure and stop rattling - are unwanted. My headunit sees maybe a few hours per annum when the radio has to divert boredom on a motorway. Any recommendations of a simple and cheap system - this setup appears to be wasted with this owner...

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How large are the boxes? Usually a little larger than a cigarette packet.


Best way buy a set of coaxials.


Are you running them off an amp or the headunit?


If off the headunit you only have 2 boxes and 2 extra wires.


If off an amp you have the above plus the amp, power cable from battery, and a remote cable from the headunit, and your RCA cables, not trying to lose you.


If it were me i would ditch the amp, run the speakers with the box off the headunit and tie wrap them somewhere, they are easy to secure.

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