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Locked out of my car!

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Hi guys,


Feel so stupid, I've just managed to lock myself out of my car, forgot about the stupid timed lock on my alarm and shut the door. Have no spare!!




Wondered if anyone could PM me any way of getting in with minimal damage? Otherwise its AA time :(


thanks all



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See if anyone has a spare glass. You can just replace that then. Saves trying to bend the door. Or if you have AA cover then ring them and let them sort it out.

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Good luck mate. Hope its sorted with little hassle.


Hi Joe,

Thanks, just called an emergency locksmith who will sort it for £90 :( ....Apparently they're a complete pig to do, and they're deadlocked (???) which i didn't know.


We did get a hold of the locking pin with a wire between the door and window and gave it a tug, which was resisting being pulled up so maybe this was the deadlocking. £90 for being stupid, it could be worse I suppose :lol:

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Yep could be worse, could've locked yourself in ;)


Oh dear, and that must have been interesting! I suppose it's not as bad as being stuck in a Smart Car :pukeright: or something!

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can you not bend door at top and get something to pull up door pin????? usualy just enough to get door to flex out at top and pop lock..will set alarm off as it should...but should get you door open and get ur keys...alarm off jobs a good-en....


try calling ur insurance company as if keys in car and parked up its at high risk of being stolen so its in there interest to sort it

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can you not bend door at top and get something to pull up door pin????? usualy just enough to get door to flex out at top and pop lock..will set alarm off as it should...but should get you door open and get ur keys...alarm off jobs a good-en....


try calling ur insurance company as if keys in car and parked up its at high risk of being stolen so its in there interest to sort it


Can't say I'd have tried that, but I was going for the minimal damage approach being skint!


As mentioned before, pulling the door pin up had no effect, we got a hold of it with a wire down the front of the driver's window. It didn't budge, we knew we had it as the pin was moving a little, but it just wouldn't pull up.

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