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speed camera advice please????

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Hi all a question for you,


If there is a mobile camera on the side of the road in one of there many locations;


If you were over taking slower moving vehicles on a dual carriage way;


can the camera asses your speed if the slower cars on your left are between you and the camera? e.g in the direct line of site? or does the car have to be in full view?


Any help much apprecited?



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I think ( dont take my word for it) they need to keep the camera focused on you for a certain time to determan your speed.


After all:



________ = average Speed



Also they got to factor in errors in the cars speed dial so they usal alow a bit over, usal something like 10% of the speed limit plus 2mph

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i don't think so...


at least i got away with it once on a dual carriageway



mate were you in exactly the same situation then? did you get away with it in court or just no letter at all?

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i was overtaking cars, went over a hill and the police were pointing a camera in my direction, i was going faster than the delorean when it goes back to the future.


thought i'd got caught, but never heard anything in the post

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Im afaid the only way you will find it is to wait and see.


I came into a 40mph zone doing just over 50 came round a corner and there was a camera van pointing straight at me. Slowed down preaty quick along with many expletives.


Nothing ever came through the post and that was over 2 years ago now, the person operating it must have been picking his nose or something

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I know quite a few police officers and they all say if you slow down to the speed limit whilst they're pointing the gun at you they usually don't bother nabbing you. Also they pick a point above the speed limit and nab everyone doing over that. Literally because someone doing 76 isn't worth the paperwork. So just because you were speeding doesn't necessarily mean you'll get done for it. As already said you're just in for a long two weeks I'm afraid matey.

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If there was a car in between you and the camera, you are ok as it will pick up his speed not yours. I also understand they have to have a clear picture of your numberplate to present as photographic evidence if need be.

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the worst case, as long as you weren't doing over 100mph is 3 points and £60 isn't it?



i think my insurance only went up 10%, which equated to £50 spread over a year.

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Surely if there was a car infront of you then they wouldnt have been able to tell what your speed was. The gun fires a laser at your car and it bounces back. If a car was in between then it would have bounced back off that car.


and.. anything over 96mph is a court appearance and an automatic ban isnt it, anything below will be points.

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You are right about the 96mph limit, people often say 100 but I got caught at 94 on the M3 and the guy told me I was VERY lucky and explained about the court appearance + instant ban (and the towing away of your car!!!). I've slowed down in the sights of a roadside camera a number of times and never been done. The cameras work on lasers so chances are you will be ok - a lot of the static cameras (where someone stands and holds it) are paired with the BMW/Merc traffic cars so if you see one of those and think you've been done, turn off the road soon and you will know you're unlucky if one follows you! After about 3 weeks if nothing has come through then you should be fine.

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Do they take the car off you there and then. I thought it would at least go to court before you're banned as opposed to being banned at the side of the road.

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If it is a fixed or mobile camera they must issue the NIP within 10 working days. The 6 month prosecution period only applies in cases where you are stopped at the roadside and dealt with in person by an officer.

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I need some speed camera advice now!!!!


Was driving home and past a speed camera pointing the other way, I was just getting ready to over take a lorry on a small section of dual carrage way just up a head and was slightly over the speed limit. I saw the flash on the camera go off ( no car going the other way) and I was almost next to it.


So what my thinking is that I could only see a small section of the front of the camera ( enough to see the flash and a bit of the window) so im gessing the front number plate was out of shot. :confused4:

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I need some speed camera advice now!!!!


Was driving home and past a speed camera pointing the other way, I was just getting ready to over take a lorry on a small section of dual carrage way just up a head and was slightly over the speed limit. I saw the flash on the camera go off ( no car going the other way) and I was almost next to it.


So what my thinking is that I could only see a small section of the front of the camera ( enough to see the flash and a bit of the window) so im gessing the front number plate was out of shot. :confused4:


what type of camera? a gatso (with the white markings on the road) or and induction loop triggered truvelo?

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I need some speed camera advice now!!!!


Was driving home and past a speed camera pointing the other way, I was just getting ready to over take a lorry on a small section of dual carrage way just up a head and was slightly over the speed limit. I saw the flash on the camera go off ( no car going the other way) and I was almost next to it.


So what my thinking is that I could only see a small section of the front of the camera ( enough to see the flash and a bit of the window) so im gessing the front number plate was out of shot. :confused4:


what type of camera? a gatso (with the white markings on the road) or and induction loop triggered truvelo?


The one with the white lines on the road.


I think I'm safe as I was preaty much right next to it and only saw one flash as I was keeping an eye on it

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The gatsos need to take 2 pics i.e. 2 flashes. I think you'll be safe.


I think i am safe because I only saw one flash and to look at the camera I was looking through the drivers side window

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You are safe. The roadside grey box cameras only work in one direction, and I often see the taxis setting them off going too fast down the wrong side of the road. A couple of mates used to set them off by going the wrong way just to annoy the police by making them waste their films! Can say I have set it off a few times and I've never been done - not by one of those things anyway!

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You are safe. The roadside grey box cameras only work in one direction, and I often see the taxis setting them off going too fast down the wrong side of the road. A couple of mates used to set them off by going the wrong way just to annoy the police by making them waste their films! Can say I have set it off a few times and I've never been done - not by one of those things anyway!


Ok thanks for that budy

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