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Anyone in Huddersfield that could have a look at a car?

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will try and have a look tomorrow lunchtime

not promising anything though


anything in particular you want checking ?

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will try and have a look tomorrow lunchtime

not promising anything though


anything in particular you want checking ?


Hi mate


Thanks, no problem if you cant make it. ust thought I would post on the off chance someone was already close by. Will go up at weekend otherwise if still for sale.


Really just wanted to know if general condition is as good as advert makes out. ie Excellent body work, interior, 4 quality good depth tyres all same brand, decent discs etc etc Basically no obvious signs of abuse or major accident damage.


Many Thanks



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ok will do my best - if not tomorrow then will try and get you some info before the weekend

will even try and take my mechanic to have a look ;)

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ok will do my best - if not tomorrow then will try and get you some info before the weekend

will even try and take my mechanic to have a look ;)


LOL now that would be genius! Would certainly owe you one. :grin:

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