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oil in the Dizzy?

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Found some oil in the dizzy whilst doing a quick check of my latest purchase, is there a replacement sel for these and any one know the part no and /or where i can obtain one?...cheers :scratch:

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I don't think you can get a seal kit from VW as it's not the main outer seal but the inner ones which cause the problem, the actual seal sizes are buried somewhere in the 16v section on the Club GTI forum, a bit of an odd size IIRC.

TBH an exchange or e-bay distributor new can be had for around fifty quid and that way you'll be getting a new hall sender too.

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Here you go- I've got the same prob and I recently got one (not fitted it yet- too scared :lol:). Can't remember off-hand where I got it from- I try to find out for you :)


*EDIT* Got it from simplybearings.co.uk

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i changed the seal easy job! bit fiddly to get the metal (brass or something soft and similar) disc that holds it in you have to file the peaned over metal away to get it out but it is doable! i used gpt seals in stafford just called them with the sizes! they didnt have an exact match but by using two seals it was easy to get around that! cost around 20p per seal or something daft!! they were very helpfull the dizzy "isnt repairable" from vw so the seal isnt availiable but the dizzy is an exchange item............why is it exchange if it isnt repairable? anyway easy job i found a guide how to do it somewhere on tinternet cant remember where but ti is out there!

good luck


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