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Help needed!!!

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Hey guys,


My mates just offered me a mk2 8v gti with a knackered engine for a few hundred notes, the question i'm after is i can pick up a vr6 engine from a ford galaxy for a further few hundred notes, does anybody know a rough price a garage will cost to drop the engine in???


Also if anyone is clued up enough to draw me up a little list of everything i need for the conversion i would be greatly appreciative, that way i can get the car bought!!


cheers guys

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I'm not as clued up on this as most ppl here, but i can imagine it would be fairly costly...


would be a good lil project for you tho!


i had a number of a guy that has done a few mark 2 VR6 conversions... if i can find the number i'll ask him... can PM you his number if he's cool with it... where abouts you from?

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hiya mate thanks for the reply,


am in Rugby in the Midlands, tat would be great thank you, i dont wanna buy it to then find it would cost me a shed load to fit a new engine!!


from what ive read its pretty much a straight swap except a few mods, but im not to bright haha

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Ok a slightly different question today,


How easy would it be to slot a VR6 engine into a 2.0ltr 16v raddo?


Please please please please tell me its simple slot and drive!!!!!

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Not as easy as dropping a VR into another VR but less complicated than a V8 Chevy!


You'll have to change a lot mate - aside from actually fitting the engine, all the management system, diagnostics (if you to keep that function), wiring, etc, also the driveshafts, hubs, wheels.


Depends how handy you are and what VR parts you actually have.

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Ahh i see,


Perhaps easier to bite the bullet and by a vr6 then,


My overall goal is to by a nice looking raddo/mk2 gti extremely cheapley and slap a low-ish mileage vr6 lump into from a ford MPV that probably hasnt been thrashed as much so then i have the nice classic look but with a relatively reliable engine so it can be my daily commuter.


But its starting to look like it takes alot of work and would probably be easier to buy a VR6 model and then replace the engine, I spotted a 2.0 raddo in southampton for £300!!! so got me mind working like.


but we shall see, thanks for the help!!

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