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Alternator/battery/electrical death

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So, driving along the other day and my radio dies, then rev counter, then the car cuts out. Sounds like the alternator has died. I replaced the alternator yesterday, and got to work ok, then the same happened again on the way home. So ive borrowed a battery, put it on the car and left it running, 20mins later it all cuts out again.


So, it cant be the battery. The alternator was replaced with a second hand one, so i have no idea whether or not it is actually working. Im hopefully going to borrow a voltmeter from work to check the voltage when the car is running. But before i can get this done, does anyone have any other ideas? If the alternator turns out to be working then what can be causing this? Without the fault solved i wont be able to make E38 this weekend, so need it sorting sharpish.


Ive also noticed a distant whining sound that alters pitch with the engine revs, does this sound like it could be connected? Or just something completely seperate?


Any helps is massively appreciated, as im keen to get this sorted, as you can imagine.

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it sounds like alternator to me mate.,,,,i would check all wiring to/from it also.......sound like the battery is not getting charged and slowly dying.....hence it cutting out.....thats my theory with testing it myself, also check stereo equipment and the CL system......

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Well the alternator seems to be working fine, and ive had the battery replaced as that was knackered. Now though the battery light is going mad. Doesnt turn on with the rest of the dash lights, and flickers under acceleration. Im guessing this is just a loose wire?

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and i thought i can a strange car lol ......check battery terminals are tight and follow the wires to the alternator and starter.....my battery to starter was corroded inside and broke of in my hands...

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Well finally died again last night, called out the AA mainly in the hope they could diagnose the problem. Was 99% sure it was the alternator, got one on order for £97, should be here tomorrow. Fingers crossed it solves the problem.


Now have 2 knackered alternators at home though

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Well finally died again last night, called out the AA mainly in the hope they could diagnose the problem. Was 99% sure it was the alternator, got one on order for £97, should be here tomorrow. Fingers crossed it solves the problem.


Now have 2 knackered alternators at home though



once the cars running do you want to bring it down to mine? im in bham not that far and i'll check it against mine?....then we can both scratch are heads together?

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Well finally died again last night, called out the AA mainly in the hope they could diagnose the problem. Was 99% sure it was the alternator, got one on order for £97, should be here tomorrow. Fingers crossed it solves the problem.


Now have 2 knackered alternators at home though



once the cars running do you want to bring it down to mine? im in bham not that far and i'll check it against mine?....then we can both scratch are heads together?


Fitted the new alternator tonight and it seems to have solved the problem. I'll see how the car behaves over the weekend, if it carries on acting up i'll let you know mate. Cheers for the offer but fingers crossed its sorted.

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Well finally died again last night, called out the AA mainly in the hope they could diagnose the problem. Was 99% sure it was the alternator, got one on order for £97, should be here tomorrow. Fingers crossed it solves the problem.


Now have 2 knackered alternators at home though



once the cars running do you want to bring it down to mine? im in bham not that far and i'll check it against mine?....then we can both scratch are heads together?


Fitted the new alternator tonight and it seems to have solved the problem. I'll see how the car behaves over the weekend, if it carries on acting up i'll let you know mate. Cheers for the offer but fingers crossed its sorted.


hate to say i told u so in my 1st posting lok,,,,,,,,,, alternator

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