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Wings easy to get off??

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I bought a wing and I wanna fit it tonight before edition..Can I get it on quickly, does the bumper need to come off? :wave:


Urget replys needed please


sorry for not searching

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I wouldnt bother trying it before ED38.

Something is bound to go wrong :(

Especially if you are going tomorrow. :)

Wish I was going :(

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Yes bumper needs to be slid forward mate. There's 5 bolts in the engine bay that the bonnet rests on, if you know what i mean. There's also one under the sill near where the arch starts. But the worst one is the one on the inside of the arch. So once you have removed the arch lining, you will have to scrape away some of the underseal to get to the nut.


I wouldnt say it was really hard to remove arch, but thats not saying you wont come across a prob.

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Too dark now. I gave its a quick snowing :D that'll do. Wing will be another day

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