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LauraJ's VR6

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It passed it's re-test, so I now have a road worthy Corrado!! YAY!!! treated it £20 of Shell's finest.


The annoying thing is, that as we are near the end of the month, it would be pointless getting tax until August! However he has now moved up the pioirty list on our driveway and is now 2nd in the line!!


4 New tyres needed and I also need one seabring if anyone has one lying around ( will pay) as my spare tyre as I have a space saver at the moment!


Exactly my predicament...after a year sitting on my drive i got it through my MOT today, but its pointless getting it taxed for another 4 days! Cant wait tho....


Il keep an eye out for you!

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Great news! Be good to see this Corrado back on the road again. Just don't see any around Kenilworth at all, and was always good to see another one around - even if it is literally the next road along from me :D

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So hows the car going Laura? Seeing it out on the main road now most days (actually parked the VR behind it last night whilst I dug the valver off the driveway for a bit of a spin!) - good to see another Corrado around again :)

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It's going really well, i've done over 450 miles in the last few weeks.


I now have a straight steering wheel!!!! Yes parked on the road now as i'm a bit lazy to try and get it on drive way perfectly straight without scrapping it on our driveway!


We're moving in a few weeks (still in Kenilworth) so will have to keep an eye out for you! Yes when your VR was parked on the road and we were going out, I was just staring at it! Such a nice example! Very jealous

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On my way back from DG Autotech, timing belt done!!


Oh I also now a dodgy wiper arm and I need another new power steering pump to sort out the heavy steering! This will all be done imminently by Ross (I'm not sure that he knows it yet!)


So apart from the grille flying off 2 weeks ago this month hasn't been that bad! Lol

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Well as some of you may have seen on Cazza's thread I have now purchased his VR6 (well collecting it tomorrow).


This has happened as I sold the 16v, it just felt the right time to sell it, we were moving and having to go down to two cars so it was a bit unnerving not having the back up of a spare car with some of the issues that I had had with it. Anyway it sold a lot quicker than I thought it would, the guy that bought it was planning on respraying it and putting the time into it that it needed. So really pleased with that, he also local to where we now live so I might get to see it every now and then.


I was lucky enough that when I sold the 16v my mum/brother own a MX5 as a little toy, so they have let me borrow that so I didn't rush into getting a car. Driving the MX5 when it's been nice made me think about getting an MX5 but they were so many sheds around for the £2k mark it was unbelievable, also it seemed that all the good ones were up in Scotland!? :scratch:


We were then toying with the idea of a Clio Sport, seemed to get quite a bit for the budget, but by chance saw the advert for Andy's VR6. Bit of umming and ahhing as it was well out of my budget. However luckily enough my other half has agreed to help me after selling his 200SX. He wanted more of a track toy but agreed that this was a really good purchase.


Can't wait to pick it up..... no plans at the moment on what we are going to do. There has been some talk from Ross about a new exhaust and some wheels. But just the cost of the insurance will keep me from buying any shiny bits for it for the meantime.

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I can't say enough for keeping a VR6 standard.. they are so nice and refined with just enough of a growl to know they're a bit meatier than their 4 cylinder cousin :)


But if you're interested in a BMC induction kit, someone I know has one and might be willing to part with it.. barely been used at all! If you're after one let me know and I can ask!

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Hope you enjoyed the drive home, Laura 8) With regard to changing the wheels- DO NOT get 17s! They look good, but the drive is nowhere near as good as with 15s. 16s are a decent compromise. Personally, I love the Speedlines 8)

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Got home about 20mins ago. Loved the drive!! Toyed with a few BMW drivers.


Def leaving it as it is for now. And won't go for bigger wheels!


Might have to change the splitter :( can't get onto our drive even reversing on it still scrapes. :(

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Glad you had fun! Have you tried edging up at an angle? If you need to swap, there are always people who want to go from one to the other- just post in the wanted section ;)

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Good luck with her...


Im slightly jealouse.


Well all my cars are male.... But yes I have my fingers crossed for a hassle free summer. I'm sure that it will be :)


I just love it, so different to my early 16v but in a way the same if that makes sense?! Lol

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glad your loven the vr6!! there just soo nice to cruise around in, think only downside is that i visit the petrol pump a little more then with my previous car but its worth every penny :) ,completly agree with the 15" wheels, especialy for me with where i live the roads can be abit nasty.also with your drive, could you not make a ramp or smooth it out with cement?

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Well my 16v was rubbish on fuel, barely got 300 miles to a tank so it doesn't seem too bad to me at the moment.


No cant do anything with the drive as the house is rented.


For now we've just taken the splitter off as a temporary measure but will be getting the smaller splitter when funds allow. :)

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For now we've just taken the splitter off as a temporary measure but will be getting the smaller splitter when funds allow. :)


Take care of it because 1)they're worth a bit in good nick and 2)it used to be mine! Chances are you will be able to find someone who wants to swap for a smaller one.

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That's why it's been taken off, couldn't face scraping/breaking it. It's safely stowed away for now. :)


Going to keep it and buy a smaller one.... When we move I might be able to have the 90mm one back on.

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