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VR6 - Fan speed one and two not coming on

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Have repalced the yellow temp sensor, blue temp sender, and the fan switch, but its still not happening, any ideas what could be wrong? Fan control module? Is there any fuses etc that could be the problem?

Basically if I turn the car on and leave it to idle it just gets hotter and hotter until the stage 3 uber noisy fan kicks in (incidentally at 110 like it should).

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Update, changed fan control module also and same thing happens. I tried bridging the connection with a paperclip, and doing this stage 1 comes on but not stage 2. Definately neither of them come on when the engine is running though, nor does the fan stay on after the engine is stopped even after running the temp upto 110. Is replacement fans the likely thing to do, ie motor working properley? Have found them at £100 each from All German Parts.

Please any help would be appreaciated.

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I had exactly this issue and tried replacing the fan controller, and all the sensors, and thermositch and ran the tests as described in the "Definative VR6 Cooling Guide"

In the end it was a break in the red wire to the fan from the fuse box as it passes near the suspension turret and the fan controller. There was a small nick out of the insulation of the wire and over the years moisture had slowly turned the copper to green dust through a 3cm section though it looked fine initially. It took a long time to work it out as some of the tests (like bridging the wires of the thermoswitch) gave me different results each time. In desperation I got out the multimeter and started continuity checking all the wiring (made more complicated by the air con that was also not working at the time, but I did not know if it was the caused by this problem - in the end it turned out that it had a different issue).


I hope this helps.

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I hate to admit defeat but I think its just going to have to go to someone who knows what there doing before I waste anymore money on parts. Does anybody know anywhere, close to Newcastle as possible, but dont mind travelling.

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I got VAG-Mobile who are based in my area and advertise in PVW out, and this is now fixed, was a problem with the wiring to the blue temp sender.

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Bit of a thread resurrection here, but I have the same issue and wonder if you got it sorted? I'm reluctant to change the fan switch and the yellow sensor but as the stage 1 fan kicks in when I bridge the contacts, I'm wondering if it's a faulty connection instead...

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