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Wheel Offset ET29

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Hi! A question about offsets... still gettin my head round this so please bear with me...


My 8v Corrado on standard wheels has an offset of ET35 and a wheel width of 6inches I believe.


I want to put wheels of 7inch width and with an offset of ET29. From what I've read and worked out using the calculator link from this forum is that they will stick out another 19mm so basically 2cm


What I'd like to know is will this be ok without any arch work? The wheels are 15inch and although I have no drop at present I'd be looking at it in the future. Any advise would be appreciated as always.


If there is a thread anywhere that lists the maximum u can go out without arch work (taking into account drops etc) I apologise for missing it.

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Hello and welcome to the forum, if you've not been here long. Check the Wiki for many of your queries. For instance, you'll find wheel information under the General Info section.


Yes, that table confirms an offset of 35 for the 6 wide rim.


Going wider. Well, the diagram helps a lot to explain. If you had zero offset, and made the wheel one inch wider, that means its sticks out half an inch either side of the centre line. Thats 12mm (for half an inch) by my bet - not much huh. But then you're changing the ET by 6mm, so that 18m overall change - poking out towards the arch.


So will that work? Depends on how much you're dropped (lower on springs), but Im betting it'll work even if you dropped 40mm. Many other people have posted on here about using a smaller offset (making the wheel poke outside of the car). For instance here someone shows a pic of using et30 with 8j... so yeh 7j works fine.


When buying wheels you also need to ensure a couple more things; first off is the centre hole - this must be the same size. Then check the stud spacing, 4x100 (whereas for instance a Fiat wheel is 4x98).

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Hi Stuart... thanks again for the advice!


the stud diameter and hub are all correct size... was just wondering if the 2cm outwards would be too much but by the look of the pic link in your post they should be fine.

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With regards to a 7" Et29 compared to a 6" ET35...


ET29 will sit 6mm further into the arch than a 35mm, BUT you also have an extra 1 inch width... HALF of this is either side of the center line of the wheel (where ET is measured from!), so you add on 1/2 inch to the outside of where the wheel sits... So 1/2" - 6mm is the exact difference in where your wheel will sit in the arch....


1" = 25.4mm -> 1/2" = 16.7mm


16.7mm (half the total difference in wheel width)- 6mm (difference in ET) = 10.7mm


Your new wheels will sit 10.7mm further out of the wheel arch than the old ones, and 14.7mm further into the wheel arch as well (towards the strut) 8)

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Sorry to reserect this thread


I have aquired myself two sets of wheels over the last month, and now I am a little bit worried that they might not fit


Im in a J reg G60


Wheel specs for the rears are

16" 9j ET 17

16" 9j ET 12


Had a little bit of arch work done


Am I on to a winner or :epicfail:



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