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Corrado "love-in"

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Yay :clap: just had someone knock on the door to tell me how nice my Corrado looks and to just chat for a few minutes about it...


While this has made my wife comment on how mad people are I think it was quite nice...


Anyone else had similar things?


Does seem there are a lot of people out there who know and love the Corrado

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I wish this happened to me, might make me feel like its all worth it :lol: ........had quite a few conversations with people at petrol stations which is cool, but never had anyone knock on my door.......it did happen to my old man once years ago when he had his old 635i - lovely car !!

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i reckon the 'knock on the door' is worth popping into the chufies file - that sounds like a big fan of the model :lol:


always nice though - I always thought, when in Service stations, that even though everyone didn't say 'your cars awesome mate' - they all bloody thought it :lol:


Then again, I'd be slightly biased!

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I generally get abuse about my Corrado from my work colleagues...or as they like to call it the Corrodo :lol:

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