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Speakers and wiring

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Hey all, just bought a 93 vr6 this summer and since then a few things have gone awry, but nothing too bad. Turns out, all the speakers on the left side work, but the only one on the right side is the dash tweeter. I noticed this after replacing the head unit, but I put the stock one back in (and after figuring out balance/fade/treble/bass work on only 2 knobs lol) and it was the same.


I figure its the wiring? Could it be anything else? But since the stock speakers arent that amazing, I might as well replace them if it has to be redone. Would take any recommendations on 5.25" for the doors if you've got any.


Lastly, I took apart the door to see if any wires were loose on the door and it seemed fine, but when putting everything back in place, I dislodged a piece from the window raise switch. Its a tiny metal piece which keeps the switch in the door preventing it from coming out, and for the life of me I can't figure out how it goes back on!! if anyone's got a picture of their window raise switch I'd really appreciate it!



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Welcome to the forum!


Sounds like you've disturbed wiring whilst changing the head unit so I'd start there. If it was working before the swap, then I doubt the problem is at the speaker end.


TBH I'd think about Audioscape pods for the doors, you're really not going to see that much improvement in swapping the originals for another set of 5.25"s. The Audioscapes allow for 6.5"s to be fitted, which when amped up, sound MUCH better.


Can't help you out with the switch pic sorry, my cameras gone walkabout


Good luck, and let's see some pics of your motor!

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I'm fairly sure that the problem was there before installing the head unit, but honesly I didn't use the stereo that much as the only cassette tape I could find was the beatles' white album about a day before installing the new head unit.


About the audioscape pods - I've seen them mentioned around the forum a lot just from digging around trying to find what other people have done, but I'm a little clueless as to why I should spend as much on them as I would on the actual speakers? I dont need to blast the hell out of the neighborhood with speakers, so I dont know, not really feeling it I guess.


I'll post pics after classes are over for the day, maybe a new post though.

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Welcome to the forum mate!


I had a similar problem when i first got my Rado, neither of the front speakers were working. Did the same as you, door card off to investigate and everything seemed fine. Took the speaker out and tried it on my polo which had the same connections but wouldn't work, so knew it was the speakers. Went out and replaced the speakers and everything worked fine after!

You don't have any other speakers lying around you could try? Chances that its just a dud speaker is quite high.

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Don't have anything else hanging around, but I ordered some infinity kappas late last week. I'll see what happens when I hook them up, hopefully its just the speaker and not the wiring. Also, here's hoping that fitting 5.25" speakers wont be too much of a hassle.

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I run a pair of genesis audiophile 5.25 comps in mine and they sound stunning. Maint thing to do when changing speakers is to sound proof the doors with dynamat or something alont those lines. Even standard speakers sound 10 times better with sound deadening fitted.

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Ok, so I got some free time this past week to pull the doors apart again, thankfully it's just the dead speaker, as the new ones worked when testing them. I got some dynamat when I ordered the speakers, just a few small sheets though, and I was wondering where you think is the best place to put it - do I put it between the speaker and the plastic door panel? or just on the inside on the door?


Anyways, heres a few pics to show where I am now, trying to figure out the best way to mount the speakers. Shots 1&2 is what it looks like if I just wanted to mount it and not make any cuts (I don't really want to do this)






and here's the back, where I guess I'll be making cuts. Any suggestions for where to cut? I know a lot of you are using pods, and I dont blame you now :grin:



sorry for crappy iphone pics

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Won't the new speakers fit on the plastic posts the stock ones are held by? That's what I did in my old C, before I got Audioscape pods...

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