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ISV, Does it need Lubrication after cleaning?

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My VR6 was having iddle issues, I cleaned the ISV out with carb cleaner, but now it seems to be sticking, Some times the revs stay to high at idle. and some times it runs too slow, almost stalling at random gear change moments. Is this a fubar ISV. or should I have lubed the ISV after cleaning it?


My guess is that the carb cleaner ate any lube that was in the valve.


What would be the best thing to lube it with?

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Or Vasoline if you're too embarrassed to buy KY :lol:


Seriously though, get some "GT85" from Halfords and give it a good squirt with that. Don't use WD40, that's more use as a cleaning agent than a lubricant.


If the valve inside it looks all scratched up, it's been binding, which is unfortuntely partly caused by VW sticking it right above a roasting hot manifold, and partly due to sucking in dirty, oil fumes from the breather.


A simple reliability test would be to connect a 12V batter across it and pulse the ground or positive wire several times. You'll seen the valve open and close when doing that. If at any time the valve binds shut or open, bin it and buy a new valve.

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