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Help me open my door !

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The Problem

Something inside my driver's door has failed or disconnected. I cannot open the door using either the internal or external handles. I need to find a way to open the door so that I can remove the door card and fix the broken part.


Is this a case of removing (gently) pulling back the trim at the top/rear of the door & trying to hook the lever with a coat hanger hook? Or is there a better method?


Suggestions greatfully received please...



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the problem is that the mechanism is on the outer edge of the door and you have to pull it across to open the door. If you can remove the door lock pin, is the rod loose or still fixed in place? Are both the handles loose or do they feel as if they are still connected to the lock? You may be able to get away with sliding a hanger down the glass and behind teh door card, pulling the rod upwards and across (towards the front of the car).

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Thanks for the thoughts guys. I found a post (viewtopic.php?f=19&t=77272&p=897551&hilit=lock#p897868) linked of the thread posted above which might be the answer.


I think I'll experiment by taking the passenger door card off first to understand how the mechanism works. From recollection (when the car was in the bodyshop in May) the lever which actually pops the door latch is underneath the handle, so it should (I think) just be a case of hooking it with a coat hanger or something. The trick is going to be getting access down the top of the door card without damaging anything or breaking any clips.


When I've figured it out, I hope you all have alarm systems fitted!. The problem almost certainly has it's roots in how we put the door back together when it was in the bodyshop as it's never been 100% since that time really.


Will let you know how it pans out after the weekend. Cheers



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