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Flippin Vandals :( pics added

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I don't even think it's a question of having the flag on the car mate. It's unacceptable simply for the action whatever the circumstances. There is nothing you can say to me to justify running up onto someone's car and jumping up & down on it. It's just nasty behaviour.


And who are the people who do this kinda stuff? The dregs of society; those too stupid or too malicious to act better than this. I don't even accept the influence of alcohol as a factor - that's just a weak excuse trotted out when they get caught. Perhaps if the penalties were severe enough people would limit thier intake. KipVW doesn't start vandlising stuff when he gets smashed does he? It's all down to having some basic standards of behaviour in the first place.


I agree with your point about the poor little student who's life chances are now wrecked as a result of his conviction. Well so what I say. He should have thought about that before he did his crime. The fact that he was too drunk or stupid to know the difference between right and wrong makes him unemployable in my book anyway. Better if he just drowned himself in the river now and save me paying taxes for a lifetime of his unemployment benefits. At best he should at least be neutered so that he is unable to reproduce any more like him.



Ah but we ONLY have Pauls word taht it wasn't himself doing it in a drunken state... :lol:


And John, when are you standing for PM? :salute:

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Sorry to hear about your car damage.

As you say a right pain in the butt just sorting it out if nothing else.


Wow, has this thread gone mad though !!!


Had to pick on this - wouldn't let Chris say this about your car though :lol: :lol: :lol:



Hey Paul,


As for the car that is just cack!!


OK, so ammended it slightly !!!! And, depends how it is read ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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And John, when are you standing for PM? :salute:


I don't want to be PM. I'd rather be judge, jury and executioner.

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And who are the people who do this kinda stuff? The dregs of society; those too stupid or too malicious to act better than this. I don't even accept the influence of alcohol as a factor - that's just a weak excuse trotted out when they get caught. Perhaps if the penalties were severe enough people would limit thier intake.


Yep. Makes you wonder what kind of sheltered life MPs live that they can't see all this schitt going on under their noses. Either that or they're turning a blind eye to it in order to pursue their own [corrupt] agendas and faking the 'decline in violent crimes" numbers.

Penalties - I note over half the population would like the death penalty back. I'm all in favour. Unless punishments start getting harsher, these little brats will go on taking the p1ss out of society and the 'justice' system. And obviously the families of manslaughter and murder victims would welcome and "eye for an eye" policy. And before all the do gooding human rights activists pipe up, I'm sorry, scum have no rights in my eyes.


I agree with your point about the poor little student who's life chances are now wrecked as a result of his conviction. Well so what I say. He should have thought about that before he did his crime. The fact that he was too drunk or stupid to know the difference between right and wrong makes him unemployable in my book anyway. Better if he just drowned himself in the river now and save me paying taxes for a lifetime of his unemployment benefits. At best he should at least be neutered so that he is unable to reproduce any more like him.


It does make you wonder where all these morons come from doesn't it? Have IQs and basic standards of behaviour and decency just suddenly declined in the last decade? Hmmmm, not sure, but one thing I do know is some of these tw@ts are the offspring of the tw@ts I went to school with :roll: Scum in = Scum out.

Fence the f'ckers in like "Escape from New York" I say.

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Fence the f'ckers in like "Escape from New York" I say.



Anyone remember Kenny Everett's American General sketch?


That's what to do with them!

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I was never allowed to watch Kenny Everett :lol:


Just like to add I wasn't trying to compare a dented car to something bad enough deserving of the death penalty by the way, it was just a general rant about the apparent lack of justice in this country!

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Ah but we ONLY have Pauls word taht it wasn't himself doing it in a drunken state... :lol:


And John, when are you standing for PM? :salute:


Honest Guv! wasn't me, i just talk nonsense, laugh, make other people laugh then fall over :lol:


Some damn good reading in here though if i'm honest :salute:

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Had to pick on this - wouldn't let Chris say this about your car though :lol: :lol: :lol:




OK, so ammended it slightly !!!! And, depends how it is read ! :lol: :lol: :lol:



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Its perception, that flag on the roof is like curry to an intoxicated student, like a prostitute to a sailor, whatever



i would say that it has been the sole reason why it attracted the unwanted attention and the vandalism that now adorns it, the same as max power, Turbo system stickers and re badging your car to something it clearly isnt, as i recall proffesing your love for a particular brand of stereo sent a massive tip to anyone with a mind to break your back window and steal your not so stealth shelf even if they were cheap nasty speakers in it in the 1990`s or the vw badge off your grille in the 1980`s


it should be able to look how it likes, but in current climate and it seems always with cars, if you make it stand out form the norm its like putting a big arrow above it, and someone would rather inflict missery on someone else to make themselves feel better at having a laugh at someones expense than to leave other peoples defenceless stuff alone


Well if it isn't our old friend AQUA G60... You've been banned several times now. Please don't sign up again.




:epicfail: Nice work Sherlock! :lol: 8)

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