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New series of TOP GEAR Sundays. Series Comments

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Bugger, after this year's Vietnam trip, it looks like the next family holiday's to Bolivia and Chile then!


Anyone taken a 1yr old to south America? :lol:


Great episode, must admit I had a good idea the Durex and Vaseline would come in handy... but was wondering about teh Tampax and Viagra!


17,000ft up in a car :cuckoo:

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V good episode I thought- loved the James May , machete toting Van Halen thing - was JC more scared by that or the death road encounter :wink: Having actually been on that road I can vouch for the heart in mouth, near death overtaking and passing moments that it throws up :pale:

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That was an awesome episode, just watched it on demand. Does anyone know how much is real and how much is staged? It all seems real enough, I just cant imagine that 3 middle aged men can realistically be expected to be either fit enough or mad enough to do some of those things. Example - Richards car rolling away at the end, I get the impression that was on purpose?

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The prop shaft was already gone and he was only running in 2WD - I think they realised he probably had no chance of getting down that dune with only 2WD so killed the car off!

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Good episode to sign off with tonight. The cars were good and seeing Hammond crash was funny and dare i say it not choreographed. In concluding not the best series we have seen from the trio but car programmes on tv are not at a premium so I will still watch and hopefully in the near future there will be a re-formatting on the content. Lets see what 5th gear has to offer when it starts in a few weeks

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What did folks think of the Lexus LFA? I'd be interested to see a dry lap time as it sounds like it'd put in a seriously impressive time.. but I agree with them on not quite seeing the point of it. None of the prestige of the established marques in the supercar market... not as quick in a straight line as many of them I'd imagine (e.g. SLR), and if you're that bothered about going round a track really quickly, you're surely not going to do it in something like that - just buy a Caterham for 1/10th of the price or a Nissan GTR!

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They were testing the Lexus when I was at the Nurburgring when i was there in September. It was matt black and all camoflaged, electrical tape over the badge etc, was suprised to see the outline of an L on it. Was even more suprised to hear the price of it though tonight! Even more so when 2011 spec GT-Rs were being tested a the 'ring along side the Lexus and you could tell no difference in performance between the two trackside. Difficult to see the point of it!?!


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Good to see James using roads local to me in his VXR test, Snake Pass, Winnats Pass, Mam Nick and Rushup Edge. All roads I drive and ride along :clap:

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Quite a good episode I thought, an honourable finish to the series.


I really liked the Sin City effects they used on Hammond's segment. I thought they must have a few bob to spare, and was proved right with Clarkson jetting off everywhere!

That Lexus was awesome, but like they pointed out, who's going to buy a 200k+ supercar that is a Lexus? You could buy 2 or 3 supercars with more street cred (which is what supercars are mainly about these days) for that kind of wonga.


:lol: @ "Brain" Johnson's hockey trophy.

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