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Scotts of Sloane Square "Carry on" Campaign

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Sorry to go off topic , but did you perhaps take any pics of this procedure?


Removed the thermal fuse from the spoiler motor and bridged it with wire so it goes up and down all the way without cutting out.


Or could you tell me where this might be?, as i have read about this fix but have yet to see the 'thermal fuse' :D


Oh and your corrado is very very nice mate :notworthy: :notworthy: :clap:


I only thought of doing this when I'd put it all back together (same with the sunroof repair which I'm chuffed with).


Not sure if all Corrado rear spoiler motors are the same but I removed the internals of the motor from its cylindrical housing. Cut off the green fuse (there's only one about the size of a five pence) and bridged it with a piece of insulated wire.


I've been driving the car for the past couple of days and it's worked a treat (so far). Best to just to buy another motor if you're unsure though !


Ah, i have had mine in bits but didn't open the actual motor.......just won a spoiler on ebay, so i'll see if that works and if not i'll try your fix mate :D

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Top notch mate.... what shows you planning on going to as i`d love to see this..!!! :notworthy:


Cheers. Never been one for shows but usually make the short journey to VW North West at Tatton Park. Not sure if it's ready to go on show though. It's clean, but maybe not show worthy yet. I'll try and clean the engine bay a little before I make any decisions.


What are the good shows for clean standard cars ? (Not too keen on modded shows)

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Went for a short drive and watched a few overs at the cricket. Decided to break out the camera as the weather was pleasant (please excuse the lack of washer jets and side stripes. Decided to leave them off until the paintwork has had a final polish).


Dalton cricket.jpg


Dalton rear.jpg

Edited by James.

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I wouldn't worry about the engine bay at shows, no one says you have to open the bonnet! You'll get more interest because of the interior anyway.

I've found that most VW shows have cars that are pretty much standard, ie no huge bodykits, neons, lairy paintjobs, etc

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A weird week of emotions thus far.


Good news: Dash board main console and trim tunnel is finished and looks awesome. Just waiting for the glovebox, gear knob and handbrake handle.


Bad news: Washed the car in anticipation of the new dash's arrival. Found the windscreen to be leaking. Devestated is the only word to use. Rang Autowindscreens, who to be fair with the Liverpool branch have been very helpful after all the trouble I had with the Warrington branch closing. Two days later they came to mend it. Got home and found it still leaking :epicfail: .

Rang them today and now it's a window back out job 😔. Have to wait for them to order new trim etc.


I was annoyed as we had planned to take the car to Abersoch for a long weekend !


Back to the good:


Here's some images of Paul and Dave finishing off the dash (excuse the images as they were taken on my prehistoric mobile). I'll take some more once it's all built up and back in.



Edited by James.

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B@llcks :( Windscreens on the Corrado.. why are they always such a nightmare for windscreen fitters to get right! :( Hope you manage to get it sorted to your satisfaction mate.

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Agree with Jim a bit of a pain James but ya know it's the kinda thing these cars throw at us. I know it'll be sorted real soon hopefully before Tatton park as be great to see it :luvlove:

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Great resto on the Campaign keep up the good work.


I had always thought of the red interior as being way over the top in Campaign models but seeing your Corrado has changed my mind. It looks amazing, particularly the seats.


PS, it took Autoglass three times to get the windscreen right in my car including one fitter who tied a rope round the rear-view mirror and the hand brake to 'stop it from slipping down'.It slipped down. Screen out new screen ordered. The next monkey they sent cut too much off the plastic trim running up the sides of the screen and tried to fill it with the black sealant hoping I wouldn't notice! Screen out new screen ordered. The last bloke who came out said he was usually only contacted to do the windscreens in high-end cars and said he would give me £100 of his own money if I had to call them back. Thankfully (i think given I could have been £100 better off), he was as good as his word and the screen is still spot on over a year later.


Anyway enough of my ramblings


Well done keeping the old girl looking good as new.

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hello james good to see your plans are materialising your interior looks awesome my plans keep getting cut back due to mechanical repairs that need tending to constanatly :( (battery, alternator ) look forward to seeing you at the next meet :D

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Thanks for the upbeat messages peeps. Though could have done without hearing about the three fitting attempts :eek:


The Corrados raison d'etre was to be ready (interior and bodywork) for Tatton Park. That was way back in October 2009 when I started with the work. Now it looks like that may not even happen at this rate.


I desperately want to put the dashboard back in but am resisting until the windscreen is fitted. The last thing I want to do is for something unfortunate to happen to the dashboard (again) after all the faffing about that's gone on.


Hopefully the sun will shine and I can enjoy my car complete once again.


You making the short journey to Tatton Park James ?

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Just catching up again on this story, and it's very heart warming. Essentialy James is doing what I intended to do, but never had the time. Good to see that you've incorporated Air-Con into the design - this was the one thing that I always said was lacking on the "ultimate Corrado"

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I just love the interior... cant stop looking at it!!!!


Cudos to you for reviving this Corrado... :notworthy:

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Good to see that you've incorporated Air-Con into the design - this was the one thing that I always said was lacking on the "ultimate Corrado"


Afraid I can't take credit for the Diavia air-con. It must have been fitted by the dealership (Scotts of Sloane Square). I do agree that it ticks all the right equipment boxes though.

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Yeah i wouldn't fit the dash untill you are happy with the screen either, that alone would give me sleepless nights :shrug: Hang in there James it wont be long :luvlove:

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Good to see that you've incorporated Air-Con into the design - this was the one thing that I always said was lacking on the "ultimate Corrado"


Afraid I can't take credit for the Diavia air-con. It must have been fitted by the dealership (Scotts of Sloane Square). I do agree that it ticks all the right equipment boxes though.



Hi James, its another James here!.....I havent been on for ages but I havce just picked up your story, well done and good to see another Campaign being returned to its former glory.


I'm on the brink of sorting mine out so may well bend your ear, Im especially interested in hearing how and where you sourced the leather and how well the paint worked out ans I need to carry out both.





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Good to see that you've incorporated Air-Con into the design - this was the one thing that I always said was lacking on the "ultimate Corrado"


Afraid I can't take credit for the Diavia air-con. It must have been fitted by the dealership (Scotts of Sloane Square). I do agree that it ticks all the right equipment boxes though.



Hi James, its another James here!.....I havent been on for ages but I havce just picked up your story, well done and good to see another Campaign being returned to its former glory.


I'm on the brink of sorting mine out so may well bend your ear, Im especially interested in hearing how and where you sourced the leather and how well the paint worked out ans I need to carry out both.






Ask away.

The new paint is having a last polish the day before Tatton Park. Leather will all be complete by then also.

Colour of the new leather is damn close. It's not exact, but it's close enough for me. The only alternative was spending nearly a thousand pounds on a custom hide or painting the leather. Neither of which I was prepared to do.

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ive noticed a pattern whilst reading this thread there are many james with corrados which i think is pretty cool 8) , on a side note when is the tatton park meet james?? any details would be good, also you seem pretty hands on when it comes to electrics and all things dash m heaters have packed in thers no air blowing on any setting any idea how this coould b rectified?? :confused4:

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Tatton is next weekend 8th August.


So looking forward to seeing this :luvlove: :clap:

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Tatton is next weekend 8th August.


So looking forward to seeing this :luvlove: :clap:



Theres going to be some very nice corrados at tatton...cant wait..


do we have the passes yet...>?

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KIPVW said:
Tatton is next weekend 8th August.


So looking forward to seeing this :luvlove: 👏


Thanks but you're not helping my nerves.


I'm getting really jittery about attending my first show with a car on display. All the positive comments make me feel like the Corrado is far from show worthy !


This weeks update again brings a mixed bag of emotional delights to the table.


Sunday: Completed the install of the dash (with only a handful of small jobs to finish). I've enclosed an image for your viewing delights:


new dash installed.

new dash installed.jpg


Monday: Backed out of the garage half asleep... and into dads car.

The Corrado is now sporting a less than fetching, six inch crease with light scratch detail at the bottom of the front door.

Dads car suffered a broken indicator but mine took the worst. I've spoken to the body shop and they think they can get the worst of it out but it's going to need some paint. So i've decided to leave the side strips off until it's finished. To top it off, I've scratched the new set of "Monte Carlos" I recently bought as well.

No images - too upset to see it again.


Big glass of red this evening methinks !


And perhaps tomorrow as well.

Edited by James.

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I've enclosed an image for your viewing delights:


That looks superb.........i'd happily sleep in there........not with you though :lol:

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its looking amazing, we all have mishaps and its not a major one in the context of everything you've done. press on :)

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