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VW Events Calendar (check for updates!)

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Updated event calender downloads now available for 2012 for those VW & Motorsports events which have declared their dates at the time of writing. Most of the dates for the established VW events are out (except for Edition 38 ). Many of the motorsport series calenders have yet to be published but these are normally out by the end of February.


Two files attached containing :

a) VW specific events only

b) Motorsport and Motoring events calender


Cheers, John

Event List VW - 2012a.pdfFetching info...

Event List Motorsport - 2012a.pdfFetching info...

Edited by corozin
updated thread (date in title)

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Hi John - thanks very much for sharing these. As per last year, mind if I include these in the Sprinter..?

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Thanks John - really helpful. The earlier I can gets dates established the more chance of going :wink:

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  Jim said:
Hi John - thanks very much for sharing these. As per last year, mind if I include these in the Sprinter..?

No problem at all Jim. I tried to upload them to the CCGB forum this morning but there's a bug with adding attachments.

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John - May wish to add the Prescott Hill Climb events?


24 & 25 April British & Midland Hill Climb Championships

29 & 30 May La Vie en Bleu (last year they had a EB 110 and Veyron turn up as well as a fly past from the Battle of Britain flight)

26 & 27 June Midland Hill Climb Championships

7 & 8 August Vintage

4 & 5 September British & Midland Hill Climb Championships

2 & 3 October Autumn Classic



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Well done John. Thanks for compiling these.


Alas, the hillclimbing events are great fun, but I think the Prescott days are a little too far for me to get to this year (and next), but will do my best to get to motorsport events as far afield as Silverstone, and 'Combe in the Summer. I've Brands Hatch on my doorstep now though... :D


Will be back to look at the VW events list soon.

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Would someone please add into the Events Calender 'Scottish Road Rally' Sat - June 12th to Sun - June 20th.


All details to follow





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All updated to this line, plus a few other events of interest added.

See original post for new file versions.


p.s. Note that all events for Donington Park are conditional on the location being made usable. Currently the place is (apparently) half dug up and all the staff were made redundant in December when the finance failed. All looks a bit bleak for events this year but keep on checking.

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No problem. Your wish (as they say) is my command - fresh update above

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  Rocket Ron said:
When is the CCGB National Day

I'll be honest if I say "buggered if I know". :lol:

Seriously it's not on the CCGB calender. Perhaps someone can PM me the date when they know the date/details?

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16th May Dubs at the Park - I cant see it on the list (probably just blind)

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It's not on there. If someone had sent me details sooner I would have added it, but since it's only this Sunday I'm not sure I see the point this late in the day?

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  dukest said:


This thread links to the Corrado Club website - is it suppossed to ?


And if so - whereas the previous list contained near on all the motorsport dates throughout the country, it also included the Corrado events - there is nothing on the CCGB website apart for the Run to the 80's.



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It linked to the National Day thread on the CCGB forum which John and Ron said they werent aware of Wendy. As they were both members I was pointing out where they could find the date.

Not sure what you mean in your second point? My post was back in April if thats relevant?

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I havn't sent copies of the file to CrazyDave or Jim as I assumed they would just pull copies posted here to use for CCGB events list like last year.


Am now back from New Year festivities in Scotland (500 miles in just 7h10m today!) and will do another update for the weekend, so if anyone has any dates / events they want put in let me know. Aside from that, happy new year everyone!



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Sorry John (dukest) I had read it now said 2011 and had not noted the date of your thread.


John - Corozin

AGM on April 3rd

Run to the 80's on 4th/5th June

Silverstone FI on 9th/10th July


Nothing else in my diary yet !!

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Updated calenders at the top of the thread for 2011. Hope you find them useful :)

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