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2011 corrado forum calendar *feeler* anyone interested?

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i'm not sure if anyone is in the process of sorting a calendar for 2011 yet? if not i would like to get something up. this would have to be set up sharpish though as we are already in january.


who would be interested? obviously the more people, the more likely it will go ahead. printing will not be a problem, i should have an approximate price back tonight or beginning of next week.


A4 or A3 size?


there are 3 options for decembers photo's, we could take them from december 09 or we could have a short voting period this coming december, or, we could use the recent snow photos to make it feel more christmasy (i know its not december but its been a rare snow shoot for most people, it's never guaranteed). this will give us chance to get the prints together for 2011.


your input/interest please.....



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This sounds like a very good idea.


I reckon the recent snow pics would be good to choose from for December, as pics nearer the time could mean a delay in getting it ready in time.

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i just done this website




so might be able to ask them to see if they will do us a deal if the demand is high enough?


the prints wont be a problem, i have a man/housemate on the inside for that. im sure he will put his input into this soon.

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If we are going to do another calender, I vote this for the January pic





tis a lovely photo, toms got some great scenery round his way

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can i have a little input from any of the mods. would it be possible to stick this thread or the subsequent monthly voting threads at/near the top of the relevant boards?


we should get the quotes back on monday, so hopefully next week, providing the price is good with everyone i will start sorting out january's and possibly decembers voting threads.

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Well, last time we had a thread for offering pictures, then a voting thread when the month ends. I'll create a December and a January thread now.


Same rules as last time.

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Well, last time we had a thread for offering pictures, then a voting thread when the month ends. I'll create a December and a January thread now.


Same rules as last time.


cheers tom.


what are we doing with decembers photos? are we going to cheat and allow this rare bit of snow from jan into decembers thread? i think it would be great if everyone is up for that...


no posting of the same photo in both decembers and januarys thread though. what do you think tom?

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Well, last year we were only taking photos from the actual month. I think we should see what people come up with. I assume that there will be lots of snow entries for both months?

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Well, last year we were only taking photos from the actual month. I think we should see what people come up with. I assume that there will be lots of snow entries for both months?


im sure there will be! a snow photo for december would be better than a rainy one :) your call though buddy

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