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Missing door/wing mirror glass! Is it theft!!??

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Some thieving scum bag has nicked my door/wing mirror glass, in my opinion its most likely been stolen and not hit by another car or fallen out etc, I tuck the mirrors in every night when I put her to bed and it was there last night but not this morning. My question is, is the door/wing mirror glass Corrado specific or would it fit other VW's??


It could be vandalism or high jinks I suppose but care was taken to remove the glass with no damage or excess force...they wanted the mirror intact! Could there be another explanation??

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Very odd - a thief with a conscience?


Im gonna throw something out there and say it sounds like another Corrado owner who them self are missing a wing mirror glass. :shrug:


Why would a thief that doesnt own a corrado take a corrado mirror glass, esp with care!?


I hope that's not the case though!


Very odd.

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If you tuck the mirrors in each night it seems a bit of a coincidence unless having tucked them in sent a message to someone that you care about your mirrors.


Was the glass perfect as that's given me an idea for getting better glass for mine!!! :lol:

But at £56 a shot I'm sure there are a few people out there that wouldn't bat an eyelid at doing the dirty.


:bad-words: on your behalf.

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its them bloody tvr owners!! or possibly the mclaren f1 owners!


feel for you, my mate had his whole g60 trim removed from his mk2. he was gutted

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Im gonna throw something out there and say it sounds like another Corrado owner who them self are missing a wing mirror glass. :shrug:


Its not me honist 8)


I got one on its way from some one els, unless they took it :lol:

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Im gonna throw something out there and say it sounds like another Corrado owner who them self are missing a wing mirror glass. :shrug:


Its not me honist 8)


I got one on its way from some one els, unless they took it :lol:


HAHA! That solved then.... Swompy has your glass :wink:


Are they really £56 a pop!? But surely only someone whos enquired about their price will know that.

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Im gonna throw something out there and say it sounds like another Corrado owner who them self are missing a wing mirror glass. :shrug:


Its not me honist 8)


I got one on its way from some one els, unless they took it :lol:


HAHA! That solved then.... Swompy has your glass :wink:


Are they really £56 a pop!? But surely only someone whos enquired about their price will know that.[/quote:gfiry4gj]


No they ent £56 a go its £54 :grin: :lol: But ya I couldnt belive it when he said they where that much, no wonder they are called the stealers

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