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marmite monster

anyone know about t4,s?

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messed right up today jet washed my engine now it wont rev when you press the accelrator pedal.

loads of smoke coming out the back.

this is what the vag com says

how do i fix this fault?


its a 2.5 tdi



VCDS Version: Release 908.1

Data version: 20091018



Chassis Type: 70 - VW Transporter

Scan: 01 02 03 08 15 22 25


VIN: WV1ZZZ70ZYX113323


Address 01: Engine Labels: Redir Fail!

Part No: 074 906 018 B

Component: 2,5l R5 EDC 0000SG 2519

Coding: 00002

Shop #: WSC 25900


1 Fault Found:

18047 - Accelerator Position Sensor 1/2 (G79/G185): Implausible Signal

P1639 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent

Readiness: N/A



Address 25: Immobilizer Labels: 6X0-953-257.lbl

Part No: 6X0 953 257

Component: IMMO 0004

Coding: 00001

Shop #: WSC 35110

WV1ZZZ70ZYX113323 VWZ1Z0Y0279766


No fault code found.


End ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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Im no expert but from the description and looking at what VAGCOM says its looking like you've buggered the pedal position sensor, or nudged it?


Dont ask me where it is though! :lol:


If no-one on here can help it might be worth joining http://www.brick-yard.co.uk for tech info on the T4 there's some knowledgeable people on there, there or http://www.tdiclub.com for engine related problems.

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if it ran fine before you jet washed then i would let it tick over and get hot see if the fault cures.


the throttle is run off a potentiometer up inside the cabin ( above the pedals normally ) so the sensor could be anywhere.


may be worth just taking every plug apart wd40 or similar and put back together. that with the engine warming it all up could fix it. sould also make sure maf sensor ( one on airbox is nice and dry as they are very tempremental )

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i let it tick over for ages and it got nice and hot , pulled alot of plugs off and they were all dry inside, it idles fine but as soon as you depress the pedal it slowley climbs to 1500 rpm and wont go any higher . didnt get any water inside the cabin. is there somthing els that controls the pedal under the bonnet that i might have got wet? :(

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  marmite monster said:
i let it tick over for ages and it got nice and hot , pulled alot of plugs off and they were all dry inside, it idles fine but as soon as you depress the pedal it slowley climbs to 1500 rpm and wont go any higher . didnt get any water inside the cabin. is there somthing els that controls the pedal under the bonnet that i might have got wet? :(


lots of things - those engines are fly by wire so could be anything.


or i could just be that the sensor has gone at the same time as you washed it. best thing would be speak to your local vw commercial about the sensor and maybe swap it out

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T4 Expert coming in :-D


These engines aren't fly by, that was in the later T5's.


What reg and engine code is in the beast?


I am localish to you so can help out if need be :-)

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Like I said, I'm no expert but all 2.5TDI T4s are fly by wire mate, I fitted cruise control to my AJT this morning.

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Sorry i read that as 2.4! :epicfail:


Ok if its a 2.5 then should be flyby.


There are 2 connectors on the front of the engine low down ( you should remove the under tray to access ) If you look at the front of the engine look down behind the radiator the connectors are fixed to a bracket on the engine block just above the sump. These somtimes get water in or get a little worn. Pull them apart check there is no corrosion, the pins should be clean metal spray a bit of WD40 in there and get rid of the excess with a rag and re-assemble, it should be ok after that. Also check the condition of the wires to the plugs (give them a little tug). I see this problem quite a bit especially if the engine has had a steam clean. Let me know how you go.

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  smurf said:
T4 Expert coming in :-D


These engines aren't fly by, that was in the later T5's.




Ex - has been

spurt - drip under pressure.



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  dbug said:
  smurf said:
T4 Expert coming in :-D


These engines aren't fly by, that was in the later T5's.




Ex - has been

spurt - drip under pressure.




Cheers for that, if your such an expert feel free to answer then!

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  smurf said:
  dbug said:
  smurf said:
T4 Expert coming in :-D


These engines aren't fly by, that was in the later T5's.




Ex - has been

spurt - drip under pressure.




Cheers for that, if your such an expert feel free to answer then!



calm down dear , its only a forum post :wink:


who knows what it is :shrug: , jet washers and engine bays dont tend to mix too well no matter what it is. OP needs to get all the electrical plugs dry and find / swap the sensor that has the VAGCOM issue. :wave:

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  smurf said:
  dbug said:
  smurf said:
T4 Expert coming in :-D


These engines aren't fly by, that was in the later T5's.




Ex - has been

spurt - drip under pressure.




Cheers for that, if your such an expert feel free to answer then!



Come on dude he's only winding you up, you did leave yourself wide open to that one I'm sure you'll agree :)


Anyway, did you get it running in the end marmite minor?

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