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Chris Langdon

CCGB questions,

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went to log on to the website the other night and it wouldnt let me in said my membership had expired??? I always pay Judith the readies every National day (dont i judith)lol please can anybody help.

Also has the Magazine been sent out yet as I havent recieved one yet??


hey no CCGB xmas card 09 has santa put me no the naughty list lol, made my xmas the year before when that turned up on my door set :D :clap:


many thanks


Chris :wave:

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I'm afraid I'm painfully behind on the club magazine. I won't reel off a laundry list of excuses as it's 50% apathy and 50% "lots going on in my life" - but that's why there hasn't been a magazine since middle of last year, and also why I'm stepping down as editor at next AGM - just not enough time or, frankly, motivation to do it!


I will be trying to get the magazine out soon though!


Again, I can only apologise.

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yeah no worrys Jim, just worried that the postman decided to bin it or something just cos one of my dogs decided to jump the gate once to get to him :roll: , lol


all the best





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Hi Chris,


Yep showing as fully paid up last year.

The website works a little differently to the May/April membership calendar as it sets it's 12 months from when you first register on it. It is confusing / annoying we know but so far we haven't worked out how to get round it.


The website shows you first registered on it 5th Jan so I guess that's why it's saying now expired. BUT it shows not blocked and other than there I don't know what field it refers to.

I'll have to pass on this query to Crazydave as he understands all the techi stuff!


And the Christmas card..... we thought to do it again would definitely set a precident then when ever we didn't do it everyone would be disappointed. As it is, the next time you get one it will be a nice surprise again. :grin:

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Hi Chris,

sorted your membership on the website, we don't yet have a solution other than manually reseting the membership. Must get my SQL head on and sort this out. Sorry for the hassle :(


Try it now should be fine :D Let me know if not.



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