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Buying a Private Plate

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Does anyone have any info on buying a private plate?


I'm trying to buy one privately and I can't find any info online about how to make sure everythings done properly, if anyone has any info or a link to a site that explains the process I'd be grateful!

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Does anyone have any info on buying a private plate?


I'm trying to buy one privately and I can't find any info online about how to make sure everythings done properly, if anyone has a link to a site that explains the process I'd be grateful!


Is it on a car or retention cert?

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Im pretty sure its on a retention cert?


The seller will have to sign part 1 to assign the number and also sign part 6, to add you as the nominee, better if they do not date it, you will then have until the cert runs out to assign it to your vehicle

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try calling your local DVLA office, they should be able to tell you everything, don't go down there until you have to, you'll queue for hours :)

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Im pretty sure its on a retention cert?


The seller will have to sign part 1 to assign the number and also sign part 6, to add you as the nominee, better if they do not date it, you will then have until the cert runs out to assign it to your vehicle


So once i've been added as a nominee by the current 'owner' - does that instantly make me the legal keeper and not him? :?


so it wasnt just me that found it a bit confusing you've made me feel better now mate :D





It just seems a bit vague to me, it would be far easier if it was a simple case of signing ownership over like you do with a car - its the 'nominee' business that makes it confusing to me, handing over money to someone that doesn't 'own' something that I'm also not 'buying' :lol:

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Im pretty sure its on a retention cert?


The seller will have to sign part 1 to assign the number and also sign part 6, to add you as the nominee, better if they do not date it, you will then have until the cert runs out to assign it to your vehicle


So once i've been added as a nominee by the current 'owner' - does that instantly make me the legal keeper and not him? :?


No, only once it has been assigned to your vehicle, just get them to sign part 1 & 6 as said, take the cert to your local DVLA office with your V5 and Tax disc and they will sort it out as you wait

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Cheers, so from what you're saying there has to be an element of trust/risk involved here in that I need to pay for it, then wait for the cert to (hopefully) arrive before I can take to the DVLA and (hopefully) assign it to my vehicle?


Fortunately though, I trust the seller! :grin:

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Cheers, so from what you're saying there has to be an element of trust/risk involved here in that I need to pay for it, then wait for the cert to (hopefully) arrive before I can take to the DVLA and (hopefully) assign it to my vehicle?


Fortunately though, I trust the seller! :grin:


Same as anything else you buy over the net :wink:

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So what plate are you getting?


And re 'not' buying something from someone who 'doesn't' own it. I thought all registration plates were actualy the property of the DVLA and we are all only a custodian type thing. Might be wrong on that though :shrug:

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So what plate are you getting?


And re 'not' buying something from someone who 'doesn't' own it. I thought all registration plates were actualy the property of the DVLA and we are all only a custodian type thing. Might be wrong on that though :shrug:


Your'e right enough, I'm surprised Roddy hasn't been on reading out the rule book. :luvlove:

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