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odd question

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do cars HAVE to have wing mirrors? ino sum cars have only one, but can they have none at all? or is it just a certian age car ? if so what age? thanks luke.

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I'm sure you need one on the drivers side and another mirror - be it a passenger side wing/door mirror or central rear view mirror.

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My first car was a Morris Mini Minor, original version of the Mini, and it had no wing mirrors as standard, only an interior mirror. Different "commercial" type vehicles with no rear view fron the cab had either one or two wing, or side mounted mirrors. You would really have to look up the latest regulations but I've had too many real ales tonight to be bothered doing that.

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think its drivers side only to pass. but i think it would poop up the symmetry of a C to only have one. altho if its got the mirror case there the glass has to be intact!

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