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Heater Core Help!

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Hey guys,


Well on my way to pick up my paycheck today, my heater core finally went. What a mess. So the corrado is in the garage and I've started the evil task of taking apart the instrument panel. I've taken out the middle console, the knee bars, the steering wheel, etc. But I've run into a slump. I'm reading the Bentley manual, and it says there are two hex bolts left holding the entire instrument panel on. Only problem is I have no idea where it is that the manual is referring to. It says they're under the plenum panel. WTF is that? Where can I find these last two bolts so that I might finish the project today? Anyone who can help, please lend me your experience.

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Open the bonnet and on the firewall at the back behind the engine, there's two bolts that go through the firewall. It's these that the bently manual is on about... 8)

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So I've completely dissassebled the dasboard. Now I've run into another problem. I can't get the heater assembly, that the heater core sits in, out. It won't budge. I can't seem to find any screws or bolts that is holding it place, and the manual dosen't give any info on how it comes loose. Do I need to simply undo the retaining clips that attaches it to the section of the blower fan? The entire section just will not budge an inch, and I am at my wits end. Please help!

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Ok, so after some research on some corrado sites, I've come to find out that there are bolts on the firewall behind the engine that are holding in the heater assembly ( which the manual shows nothing about ). Anyone know how many are holding in the heater assembly which the core sits in? I can see two, one in the middle of the firewall towards the top, and another which sits about a foot below from the top one. Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated.

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There should be three 10mm nuts holding on the heater box assembly at the bulkhead. I'm guessing as i havnt seen a LHD before but i think the other one should be behind the inlet manifold. On a RHD it is behind the coolant resevoir.


Once you get the heater box out it is worth while changing the studs which screw into thye heater box and replacing the nuts. They get a bit rusty after a while.

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