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Quick blower fix didn't work.

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I've had the thermal resistor from Maplins for months now and because there was a brief pause in the winter weather this afternoon I thought I'd tackle this supposedly easy fix of the dreaded heater fan on 4 fault.Sure enough it was a matter of about 30 minutes to get the resistor out,snip the old thermal gizmo off and solder the new one on( I also bought a spare.No flies on me).

Anyway I put it all back and............................still only works on 4.This time however the pack grew mad hot then stopped completely.Was the resistor the wrong part? Have I touched something with the soldering iron I shouldn't?Was ther something wrong with the pack in the first place?

I've located a used complete unit( blower and resistor pack) now but I wondered if anyone had the answer.

Cheers Alan.

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i assume you've got the three wire wound resistors on the heater panel? Do any of these get warm? Have they got pressed together hence being shorted out? I have put a thread on checking the heater control panel switch - cant remember what its called though. I'll try and dig out the other thread showing the resistors assembly, unkless someone can find it first? use a meter to check continuity from the heater switch to the resistors.

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I'm a great believer in coincidence.Everything was fine ( apart from only working on 4) till I started "fixing" it.After I'd applied my magic( think Homer Simpson's barbeque) the resistor pack achieves nuclear fission temperature.I have to figure it's something I've done.

I had this problem when I bought the car years ago.At that time it was the copper contact not connecting properly on other than number 4 station.That's not the case this time unfortunately.


PS the fan spins freely and the blower fuse hasn't er blown.

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