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Porsche unveils a proper hybrid at Geneva

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94mpg and 200mph, I'll believe that when I see it :D


Very impressive though, proving you can have your hybrid cake and eat some performance too.

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They're also claiming only 70 carbons for too, which would be incredible considering the performance but like you I'm slightly suspicious of the claims. Will believe it when I see it tested on the road.


But nevertheless a 490bhp V8 combined with a 215bhp hybrid motor, 90mph, 198mph and that design. I think the biggest problem is going to be me finding enough money to buy one


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They call it "Porsche Intelligent Performance"......

I call it "Oh My God, I want one of those!" :lol:


Funnily enough, just yesterday I was looking at the video on the Porsche Museum website and thought it was about time they produced some more classic designs in their cars. Now here we have it, quite possibly the best looking Porsche of all time?! I like it THAT much (regardless of the economy)


@ kevhaywire


94mpg AT 200mph would be the real unbelievable claim ;)

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Dealers have been instructed to take deposits from "interested parties" - if enough interest is registered then it will be more likely to become a production reality

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Wow - thats a handsome machine! Bet it costs a few quid though!

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They're also claiming only 70 carbons for too, which would be incredible considering the performance but like you I'm slightly suspicious of the claims. Will believe it when I see it tested on the road.


All the major players seem to be touting unrealistic mpg claims from their hybrids at the moment, no doubt to keep the tree huggers happy and generate media attention at the same time. It's very un PC to announce a gas guzzler like a Veyron at the moment, so they're just playing the game.


The hybrids they *should* be making are motorised hub power with a small internal combustion engine to charge the batteries. If they powered the engine on E85, then all that comes out of the exhaust is water and there would be no need to plug the cars into the mains overnight.


But, it's becoming clear the Oil giants are doing their best to keep E85 away from the filling stations....

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