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Broken Gearbox

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I was on the motorway today when somebody pulled out in front of me so I took my foot off the accelerator and was confronted with the sound of the gearbox trying to eat itself!


So basically every time I coast in 5th (other gears are fine) I get a loud grinding noise (speed dependent) which sounds like the gears suddenly have a load of backlash, but its fine when the engine is driving the wheels! So it sounds like a bearing in the box has collapsed, so I've got a few questions!


1, Does anybody know which bearing is causing this? And can that bearing be replaced with the gearbox in situ through the end plate?


If it can be replaced in situ I'll repair the box otherwise I'll probably just replace the entire box with a second-hand one and do the tensioners whilst I'm there, so:


2, Whats the going rate for a second-hand gearbox in working order?


3, I've looked at the wiki on changing the tensioners and chains and the guide mentioned removing the passenger hub for easy access when removing the box, Is this necessary cause its had a full laser allignment recently and I would rather not have to have it done again!


I keep on being increasingly drawn toward the replace the gearbox option then I'll have a spare casing knocking around that I can try and make a 6 speed box out of for fitting at a later date, also


4, Anyone know how long the box will remain driveable for as I'm at uni at the mo and can only do the work at home so will need to limp the car round like it is for a while before I can get home and I'll need it to pick up parts!


Cheers for your help!

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This is what i'm really worried about I should be able to work out the rest myself!


3, I've looked at the wiki on changing the tensioners and chains and the guide mentioned removing the passenger hub for easy access when removing the box, Is this necessary cause its had a full laser allignment recently and I would rather not have to have it done again!


Cheers guys!

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I had a problem with 5th gear It would sometimes select ok and then start making a horrible noise, if i dropped to 4th it was fine - it turned out to be a sheared 5th cog retaining bolt which can be accessed through the end cap with the g/box in situ. The grinding sound was the synco teeth stopping it coming off!! :shock: No further damage!


Vince at Stealth did mine because I thought if it was gonna get rebuilt it might as well be by him. :notworthy: As it was he was able to extract the bolt without dismantling the gear box. :clap: You could be that lucky! 8) :lol:

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Is it possible to disconnect the inner cvs from the diff output shafts without removing the hubs or touching anything that will change the suspension geometry though?

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I wouldn't have though so but the end cap in question is on the far left of the G/box and nothing to do with the CV joints/output shafts or dismatling anything complicated. You need to get under the C though to get to it I'd have thought.

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Ive had a similar problem on my valver when i lost 5th gear in mild acceleration due to the input shaft splines being rounded off. Luckily everything to do with the 5th gear is on the end of the gearbox and can be got out by only removing the gearbox cover. make sure you have tub to catch the oil and some male splined sockets to undo the selector rod but should be an easy one. My fifth gear is now welded to the shaft and is running stronger than ever.

Good Luck


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