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Integra Type R and BMW outsmarted by VR6

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Finished work after a nightshift at 0700hrs and on my way home I had a bit of fun. Having stopped at a set of lights I look in rear view mirror and see the Type R and a BMW. Lights go green and I pull off (not quicky as race on) but at my normal pace which is not leisurely. Road opens to a long straight neither overtake but they both keep with me but not up my bumper. There are loads of overtaking opportunities but none bother; then on a short stretch the R boots it passed me and on the next straight I feel a whoooosh and realize said BM is M5 tourer. I increase my speed to see the M5 catching the R. I presume they have been toying with each other before they caught me up. Anyhow we approach a roundabout and they both go straight over. Knowing the road goes through the centre of a town with a set of traffic lights in the middle I bend left and boot it round the ring road. The gamble pays off as at the roundabout at the end of the town I quickly glance right nothing coming and boot it in 2nd. I had reached it with about a second to spare my blushes as the R and M are just approaching it, the R driver is suprised, I :wave: and :grin:, and proper boot it. The R indicates for a petrol station holding M up a little, I catch upto a Renault ans sprint past it at the bottom of a hill, the M must have caught it mid hill as I don't see him overtake until brow and then he is hunting me down, as I reach the last roundabout before I turn for home he has closed the gap but I only have one short run to my turn off I boot it again and look to see him approaching; he doesn't :( he must have turned left at the roundabout, I slow and another :) appears job done


Well done the standard :clap: :clap: just wish it had been the VRT :brickwall:

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I'm still not exactly sure what happened! :lol:


And i thought it made sense. I know a picture or vid paints a thousand words but I couldn't do either as it was a spur of the moment thing. Thats why you lot have the thousand words :p


I've got a headache now!


I'm sorry. It is a Sunday and now you have a headache you won't have to do anything for mother's day. Go back to :sleeping:

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I don't understand, but on a possibly related note I did happen across a modified Honda last night as I was pootling home, Built not Bought sticker on the back, and uprated ARB on the rear. Think he was a little surprised when I hung on to him round the roundabout.

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Sorry if I have confused people. I was just trying to explain that both cars had overtaken me and gone ton up +. I didn't once get to 3 figures and the look on their faces when I came out infront of them again was priceless. Must just be me.

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Shame it wasn't your VRT indeed!


Did a Teg-R a few years ago in my standard VR6- he was so cross that after it was all over, he blazed past and proceeded to throw several bits of rubbish out of the window at me! :roll:

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Shame it wasn't your VRT indeed!


Did a Teg-R a few years ago in my standard VR6- he was so cross that after it was all over, he blazed past and proceeded to throw several bits of rubbish out of the window at me! :roll:


:lol: Priceless!

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Sorry if I have confused people. I was just trying to explain that both cars had overtaken me and gone ton up +. I didn't once get to 3 figures and the look on their faces when I came out infront of them again was priceless. Must just be me.


Got exactly what you said and I've also come out on top by using known local shortcuts rather than trying to race - it does put a smile on your face :D

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It does make me laugh how some people with crazy power pick on easy targets! Must be little d1ck syndrome or something :lol:

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Sorry if I have confused people. I was just trying to explain that both cars had overtaken me and gone ton up +. I didn't once get to 3 figures and the look on their faces when I came out infront of them again was priceless. Must just be me.


Got exactly what you said and I've also come out on top by using known local shortcuts rather than trying to race - it does put a smile on your face :D


Hurray.... I thought I was going mad. :lol:


Why was a 500hp M5 picking on such easy prey anyway? :cuckoo:


I have to admit thats the first time I have been in a car when a powerful car has overtaken me with such brute force. I felt my car being pushed by the air he was breaking into. Incredible sound

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Shame it wasn't your VRT indeed!


Did a Teg-R a few years ago in my standard VR6- he was so cross that after it was all over, he blazed past and proceeded to throw several bits of rubbish out of the window at me! :roll:


Thats ace.......


If I had been in the VRT I would have waited for him to pull out on the overtake then just floored it leaving him on the outside with nothing to overtake :norty: :norty:

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